to this awesome game. This is the first game (and its even a demo) that I can
run at my full 1920x1440 resolution and still maintain 65fps on my Viper770
The graphics are bright, colorful and incredibly detailed.
The effects are amazing from dust, smoke and explosions.
The sounds are awesome - birds, engines, crowds.
The 3 race levels in the demo are challengine and the 4th COMBAT mode is a total
The track design is great.
The weapons are clever and well implemented and loads of fun to use. Oil
Slicks, tacks, EMP Rockets, Heat seeking rockets, mines, grenades, machine guns,
and a zapper that shrinks your target into a 1/12 scale version of the car -
pretty scarey when it happens to YOU. Too many weapons to list here.
The forcefeedback is a little weak but this is a demo.
The physics are reasonably accurate for a game of this style. I think the final
version will be incredible once they add the other tracks, cars and game modes.
If you haven't tried this demo then go grab it from AGN or Avault. It's HOT!
NFS High Stakes has some work to do to catch up with this title - at least for