sticks (which must be the same) you'll get speeds in excess of RAMBUS 1066 -
or so I'm told.
I'm still in the process of building my new PC but so far it's looking damn
fast. Still need a GF FX though to make it really quick. 3DMark2001 SE 13771
with no tweaks, everything as it came out of the box except for the nVidia
41.09 drivers for the 4600 card.
It is really difficult these days to choose which way to go, I use a samll
company in Scotland for advice and get my bits from them. I could get
cheaper prices if I went to all sorts of different places and spemt hours
searching. This way if anything is wrong it's just a phone call.
( - nothing to do with 'the' Amazon)
> > I'd take a quick look at the new Intel 7205 Mobos. They're supposed to
> > Intels first attempt at a gamer friendly motherboard.
> > Andi.
> Are those just for RDRAM? I want to stick with DDR for now.