% Can GP2 take advantage of my new Monster 3D? It seems to be running even
% slower now that I've installed the 3D. Also, I've posted problems I'm having
% with ICR2 not recognizing my joystick....could it be that there are bad
% references to former installations in my win95 registry? If so...how can I
% clear them?
GP2 can not take advantage of any 3D accelerated chipset.
Which version of ICR2? If you are using the Windows version, there
could be something in the registry file, you could try reinstalling
DirectX and or Thrustmasters ProPanel applet. If it's the DOS version,
I doubt that any new installation of programs would effect ICR2
recognizing your joystick. If it is the DOS version, does it still not
see your joystick in a pure DOS environment? Is your gameport assigned
to I/O 201-201?
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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