> The celeron processors have but one purpose...to force AMD
> and Cyrix out of the sub-$1000 PC market and ultimately
> out of the PC microprocessor market. Intel is willing (and
> able) to withstand a price war for an extended period of
> time to consolidate its hold on the industry. Eventually
> AMD and Cyrix are going to run out of money since they have
> no high margin products to subsidize the bath they're taking
> on their current chip designs. By the time the K7 gets here,
> AMD will effectively be finished as a serious competitor.
> Do I like this? Hell no. However, that is the reality we're
> dealing with.
before they had a viable processor line. And with Nationals
acquisition of Cyrix, it's also doubtful that both AMD &
Cyrix will run out of money. No, competition really only helps
the consumer. I love the USA.
Let them all duke it out. Meanwhile, enjoy the innovations
and new lower prices. For years the microprocessor was way
overpriced (look at memory prices in the last few years).
-Dane :)