> Download it from:
> http://sedez.iq.pl/~hellfire/car
> Don't forget about turn on NumLock :)
> You can modify world.cnf file (i.e. change map filename).
> Program is not optimized yet, and need about 1000MHz CPU to work well.
> If you can make, or you have any models (may by very simple) of race tracks
> in file formats accepted by 3DStudio MAX - please give me one for test
> purposes, I don't know 3ds, and I can't do nice track myself.
Wow! I gotta say that with what you have right now, I'm impressed. It
actually responds much like a vehicle (from what I could tell).
I only have one recommendation to make this a bit more playable, that it
is (I think) a roof or chase camera. Also throw in a boundry so we won't
fall off of the terrain. ;)
But all in all, I like what I see. Honestly, I can't wait to see what
you're going to do with it. Congratulations on a fine piece of work,
Tomasz. :)