MM>I've seen the version 1.1 upgrade that is available for this game.
MM>Is that upgrade for the CD version as well? The back of my CD case
MM>says 1.1 on the bottom. Does that mean that the Cd is version 1.1?
I can't say for sure, but I suspect that you ALREADY have the latest
version. However, Papyrus is coming out with a major bug fix any
day........ It'll be version 1.2 I'd not worry about it right now.
MM>I've had this game since Christmas and we all love it. I find I can
MM>tweek the setup enough to make it run on my 486/dx2 quite nicely.
Be careful here.... I suspect you mean run nicely in VGA. Too many
people go out and buy the sim expecting it to run completely in SVGA on
their 386 with 4 megs!
* CMPQwk 1.4 #9327 * *OFF the corner, THROUGH the pits, NOTHIN' but concrete.