> > Wrong!.
> > If the game is d3d then you wont be able to play it without a d3d
> > compatible card.
> > You will need at least 2/3d card to play the game in its direct 3d
> > accelerated mode,
> > And you will need a dedicated 3d card (3Dfx ) to play the full 3dfx version.
> > A d3d game will not playt on on mach64 2d card sorry!;((
> Get informed before talking. Most ATI Mach64 are atleast 3D Rage I's
> these days. So they can have d3d enhanced drivers. 3D Rage II+ , e.g.
> supports most what 3dfx supports, it apparently is only slower :(
> P.S: I have a ATI 3D Pro Turbo PC2TV based on a 3D Rage II+ DVD chip
> (which is a Mach64 chipset).
the mach 64 chip is not a 3d chip!
It may be present on the ati range of RAGE AND RAGEII chips which are
d3d chipsets
but on a plain old mach64 card IT AINT 3D
These cards are still being sold and arent bad 2d cards really.
So it looks like most mach 64 aint rage's :))
I myself used to have a mach64. now ive got an ATI 3d RAGEII wich is
***for 3d in my opnion.
So i bought a 3dfx card to sit along side it.
I did state if you read my post that it will not run on a mach64 2D card......
I said nothing about the rage cards that are obviously d3d compatible
(all be it crap)
The rage cards are based on chipsets that run along side the mach64 2d chip!
the little one that plugs into the suface mounted socket that mach64 on it.
Thank you.
Chris Shaw,
The New White Wriggler?!