after a lot of laps is this close to beating good o'l Papy at there on game.
I would say they defiantly have the tracks looking much better, the cars
about the same, the Feel pretty close, but the main killer for me is the
"NO" AI cars in multiplayer. Since, I only race with one other friend we
need this to enjoy it. How hard could it have been to have AI cars in
I being a die hard Papy fan every since the first Indy 500 sim, have a hard
time trying to like something else, but there is just enough difference (a
good difference) that
EA is fianlly getting in the right direction. No, its not perfect, but i've
never seen a sim that was.
I think Papy is still the King, especally after the patch, but Thunder is
worth the price, just took a long time to get a good feel in the wheel,
thanks to memebers here for that.
the -100 on the feedbaack was the key.
Long live Papy......