You'll have to forgive me, I lost my N2 manual (smacks self in head several
times, then some more) and can not remember what the keyboard command
was to get N2 to capture the PCX image from within the game. My copy (no
matter how many times I install/reinstall) seems to have a problem with
painting textures, or whatever, all over the place. It's odd, I can be driving
around, and, suddenly, theres is a part of the wall being drawn from 2
connecting points on the wall to a third WAYYYYYY off in the distance, and
usualy up in the sky. Kinda SUX when you are driving and you can't see the
track because the wall (EVEN THE TRACK SOMETIMES!!!) pops up in your way.
Anyways, I need that command so I can screen capture this problem and then
email it to the proper people (which would be who? Papyrus, Seierra, or even
TEN? This never happened until AFTER I started playing on TEN. Happens whether
I use NASCAR2.EXE or NROS.EXE). So, help on finding that command, or even
advice if you know what this problem is I'm having would be apreciated.
Brett (Elrioch)