I downloaded the BlindWrite 5 demo, and used it to image my NR2003 CD.
I then grabbed DaemonTools 3.41 and installed it.
I then installed the special BlindWrite DLL file in the DaemonTools folder
that allows DT to read the BlindWrite image files.
It _seems_ to be working! WooHoo! No more CD scratches to worry about (and
my NR2003 CD is starting to look SAD!).
I also got this utility called DaemonScript. It basically creates a script
you can double-click on that:
1. Loads the proper Image into DaemonTools virtual CD drive.
2. Sets the proper emulation.
3. Launches the game.
A very nice addition.
If it stays up durning tomorrows practice race, I'll call it success. If
not, I have the CD handy :)