Oh, God here we go again. GP2 is better than F1RS - no it isn't - yes it is -
no they are both ***cos GPL shits all over both of them...yawn...yawn...yawn.
All three have fanatical support so there must be something to them all,
wouldn't you think. It's like kids at school, Power Rangers are cooler than
SWAT Cats, no they're not - yes they are etc etc.
> let me guess you are a keyboard player and dont like f1rs because the
> computer does not drive the car for you as much as it does in gp2 which is
> like driving on rails so because it is harder you dont like it, but this
> does not mean it is ***it just means that you prefer more of an arcade
> drive than a real simulation which by the way gp2 does if you are not using
> keyboard or steering help option in control config.
> > i picked this little program up on the same day i got GPL. i loaded it
> > up and had it deleted completely within 20 minutes. what a friggin'
> > joke. GP2 kicks this things ***all over the place. now i finally see
> > what everyone was talking about. f1rs is a little toy program and
> > extremely boring. there is nothing in that program that is in the same
> > league as GP2. don't even get me started about GPL. as far as getting
> > around within the program menus, i thought that GP2 was poor. not when
> > compared to f1rs.
> > i bought it for $30. does anybody out there want to witness the horror
> > of F1R(realy)S(ucks) for themselves for half that? first come, first
> > served. $15. going once, going twice, and hopefully going and never to
> > return again...
> > j
> > ferrari or death