I got my Acts Force RS back from repair- thanks again to that company,
their products ROCK.
Anyway, I instantly (no lie!) ran a low 1:08 at Watkins Glen on GPL (I
was there yesterday...) anyway, I tried F12000 at Monza- a track I can
turn a decent lap time on- and was surprised.
Surprised at the odd fact that the brakes seem to slide on each corner
that I lost it on (on an earlier lap). Reminds me of Bobby Unser's
retarded commentary on ABC, but nevermind. Like the *** I laid down
made the track slicker or something. And it made those chuckanes
harder to drive through. Anyway...
Here's my question- I've got a P3 500, 128MB RAM, and a Canopus Pure
3D II (Voodoo 2 card). What the )&(*&(*& is up with the shit-ass frame
rates when running a race? Excuse it any way you want, but cripes
almighty, this is some kind of a sick joke. GPL's certainly more
realistic, physics-wise, and all F12000 has to offer is some weak-ass
D3D graphics...say what you want, Ubisoft's MGPRS2 still looks better.
And maybe I'm prejudiced since I don't use a TNT card, but come on.
The frame rate is WORSE than GPL running in software mode, USING the
V2 card.
Just like the usual BS with the NHL series, they get one or two things
better each year, and the rest gets worse. What will F1 2001 look
like?? Bring on GP3....this POS is going back back back...