Can anyone help me with the GP2 utility 'nocdrom' how do you get it to
work, I can't get to work without the game telling me to insert GP2
cdrom into drive. Any help[ would be appreciated.
Can anyone help me with the GP2 utility 'nocdrom' how do you get it to
work, I can't get to work without the game telling me to insert GP2
cdrom into drive. Any help[ would be appreciated.
Read the help/readme file contained in the zip file, it often helps!!!!!
Unzip the three files to the gp2 directory, (nocdrom.arj, nocdrom.bat,
and arj.exe) and run nocdrom.bat.
Make sure you back up the old gp2.exe file just in case, its also worth
backing up the f1system.dat and f1gstate.sav files from the main gp2
directory before installing any new utilities.
d:~) "Go on, give it some welly"
**Peter** #:?)