Hello all.
If you are a member of the IVGA or are an avid racer of NASCAR Racing or Indy Car
Racing 2, be sure to stop by #ivgacsnc on undernet and chat a while. Ask any questions
you may have and we will try to do our best to provide you with an answer. If you need
mIRC, you can find a link to it on the IVGA web pages, http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Josh Carr
Offical Channel Operator (#ivgacsnc, on undernet)
International Video Gamers Assoiciation, Inc.
IVGA Headquarters:
International Video Gamers Assoiciation, Inc. (IVGA)
14100 Walsingham Avenue
Suite 36
Largo, FL 34644
Voice: (813) 596-6661