LC wrote
LC here is what I did to get a full WC schedule minus WG and Sears, (I hate
this tracks). Copy Taladega, C***te, Michigan, and Atlanta to a temp
directory. Then go to that temp dir and rename each folder the following:
(Atlanta=Califor, Taladega=Daytonab, Michigan=Indianap,Chrltte=Texasms)
just remeber that the new folder name MUST be the same number of
characters as the original ie "Daytonab". Next o into each folder and
rename the ie(Taladeag.dat & Taladega.txt) files to (Daytonab.dat &
Daytonab.txt). DO this for each new track you make. Next go into the DAT
file for each new trak with a editor, I used wordpad for mine, and search
for as an example (in Daytonab.dat search the file for Taladega and replace
all instances with daytonab) there should be about 6 or 7 place to change
but no more, could be less. At this point copy the new track back to your
N2 directory with th other tracks and go into N2. If you keep all the
characters teh same length then you are ready to edit the calalnder file.
If you missed then it will act wierd but kust get out and make the
necessary corrections. NOw you can edit the calander file and use the
correct race names ie(Winston 500, ect). Once you finished that I went
into paint shop and edited the pictures to reflect the track names. Still
working on how to get the track picture to work right but thats another
and i will be gald to help best i can.
Guy Wilson.