NRL hmmmmm


NRL hmmmmm

by Todd » Fri, 03 Oct 1997 04:00:00

I was looking in my N2 game box the other day and a card advertising NRL
fell out of it. The thing that cought my attention was at the bottom of the
    "Nascar Racing League.... Coming early '97... Only on TEN"
 I can only see this as false adverti***t.
This type of thing and others such as not supporting the number one 3d card
in the world can only do Papyrus harm.
 I think that they should realise that our loyalty is not a sure thing and
I for one will not buy future products just because Papyrus made it as I
have in the past.
 I can not afford to buy every racing sim that comes out I have to be
selective, so If Microsoft builds a better race sim and gives me the
support I Deserve then that is where my money will go.
 As for TEN, can you see it lasting because I cant. They have spent two
much money and dont have enought subscribers, while Kali is up to 170 000
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