> . . . either that, or I've found yet another shill on Don Wilshe's
> payroll! <G>
> Seriously, though, the Evil Avatar site has a surprisingly good review
> of DTR:
> http://www.evilavatar.com/gib/retail/dtr/dtr.htm
> FWIW, all you race fans out there can rest easy -- I happen to know
> that the "Evil Avatar" is NEITHER Tony George nor Roger Penske. <G>
> ;-)
> -- JB
Thanks for posting the link. It reminds me that I heard a CHAMP car
driver say (in an interview) 'If you could have the feeling we have out
there, I *know* you'd be totally hooked' ..and so I like it when I see
someone trying to describe that impossible-to-describe feeling :)
I'm too old to leave it at 'DTR Rocks!!' but I suppose its just a
different way of saying the same thing.
DTR Rocks!
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