Does anyone know the formula to obtain speed in MPH? I know you need to know
the lap time and the track size...I just need the formula. Thanks in advance.
Does anyone know the formula to obtain speed in MPH? I know you need to know
the lap time and the track size...I just need the formula. Thanks in advance.
Umm... Ok. Lap times are in seconds. Divide by 60 to get minutes, divide by
60 again to get hours. Divide track length by this value.
L = lap time
T = track length
MPH = T / ((L / 60) / 60)
> Does anyone know the formula to obtain speed in MPH? I know you need to know
> the lap time and the track size...I just need the formula. Thanks in advance.
> Allen
If you know any two, just solve for the third.
This message was composed with 100% recycled bits
Absolutely NO Math.
On Wed, 04 Feb 1998 15:32:17 +0100, "P.G.R. Ruiter"
>> Does anyone know the formula to obtain speed in MPH? I know you need to know
>> the lap time and the track size...I just need the formula. Thanks in advance.
>> Allen
> What formula?? I don't know what you mean. The only thing I can think of is
>that speed is measured in Miles p Hour. So if you use Distance (Miles) / Time
>(Hours) you get the speed (MPH).
>This message was composed with 100% recycled bits
>3600 / lap time in seconds X lap length in miles = speed in MPH
>3600 / speed in MPH X lap length in miles = lap time in seconds