As testy as NROS was now and then, it was at least within a predictable
band. N3 online is wildly divergent in the quality. It's due of course to
the quality of the equipment and connections doing the hosting. I've had
solid connections and nebulous, whispy fleeting connections in which I was
booted instantly.
Also, there's no structure to it yet. I think that'll change over time and I
also think that as people get used to the system and learn what works and
what doesn't, things will improve. I've already had some great racing online
and also some disasters, but it's all worth it. Someday it will be as good
or better than TEN. Hell, look how great VROC is!
> how does n3 online compare to nros?
> can anyone who used to run nros tell me if n3 online racing is as good as
> racing on Ten? what are the differences?
> <a href="">BEANIERAMA</A>.<br> <p><br>
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Bob Curtin
Worcester Area Strategy & Tactics Exchange
"If God had intended men to join the Army he would have given us green, baggy