If you want to compare your times to the best out there your going to have
to get into hot lapping. This is going into practice with just enough fuel
for the out lap and to cross line line with a setup that wears the hell out
of the plank and wouldnt last a few more laps.
With a hotlap setup and some luck Ive hit 1:20 a few times using keyboard
steering/throttle help on. You should also use an editor to set your engine
power at a constant value.
this address is for a keyboard hotlap page, but I think he's running an
anologue controller contest aswell.
Whith a wheel you can turn off steering help and still controll the car, if
you practice a "lot". I allways was slower with the short times ive had
friends wheels but you can see that with lots of practice you could get a
few seconds out of being able to slide the car harder and giving more
>Now that I finally got the hang of playing this stupid game with a
>anybody got any better times to post, and if so, shat kind of controller
>you using?
>How much improvement should I expect if I do invest in a good steering
>As challenging as it was for me to get a 1:23, I can't help feeling that my
>joystick contributed to several minor mistakes that could have added at
>least 2/10ths or more.
>Kip C. Anderson
>kca at rio dot com