I agree. If you have the real moto experience, I recommend to free your
body with Xterminator.
- accerelation with the right flipper
- front brake on the right
- rear brake on the left (even though sounds like a bicycle...)
Also, you may want to lean at turning... With a handle, you can't hang
So, sitting on a chair, leaning forward with Xterminator is the best
(not for the best lap, but for the best simulation).
> >I believe the Gravis Xterminator joypad to be the best setup going...
> >assuming you don't want to deal with a wheel.
> >Highly underrated and very awesome driving game controller.
> I second that ! I've tried various joysticks and steering wheels with
> SBK2000 and the XTerminator pad is by far the best. Also works great
> with SODA Off-Road Racing (known as "Gripped" here in the UK) and not
> bad for Powerslide.
> ***************************************************************************************
> * Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so... * Glenn Davies *
> ***************************************************************************************