All I can say is WOW!!
After all the hype about CPR and how disappointed I was,I
wasn't to sure what to expect from GPL.
So after the 45 min download,I installed the demo without a
problem. The menus are very easy to follow and look like they came
right from the 60s. And it was very easy to calibrate my T2.
I picked out Gurneys Eagle in a G3 mode and then headed for
the track. Then I was actually seating in a Eagle. I eased it into
1st gear and headed out on to the track to see just how good I was in
a F3 car. As I went through the gears,it didn't seem that I was
moving that fast,that is until I tried to brake for the 1st turn.
Naturally the tail end came around,and off the track I went. My
respect for an 1967 F3 car dramatically increased. This isn't ;going
to be an easy learning experience compared to N2 or ICR2. But I was
My congradulations to the Papyrus Team. GPL is outstanding.
The graphics are great in 3dfx. I had absolutely no trouble running
the demo on my P166 with 48 MB of ram and a Monster 3D accelerator
card. It seemed smooth as silk. But I'm sure with additional cars on
the track,my frame rate will decrease,just how much is the real
I had my reservations about the 3D***pit with the
wheel,arms,and shift lever,but they pulled it off,you really feel like
they're your arms after awhile.
I can't wait for the full sim to be released. In the mean time
I'm planning on upgrading to a P233MMX.
If GPL is this good,I can't wait for N3 and Cart2. I may have
to close my business to get in enough racing time :)
BTW,the Oct. 1967 GP at the Glen was the very 1st Grand Prix
that I ever saw. This really has brought back some wonderful
memories,and made me feel young again,(I'm 50).
Joel Willstein
#20 Castrol Ford
ICQ 2690036