I know there are some problems with N2, but is this true? On my setup
screen there are options at the bottom to Print, Save and Delete, but
no way to load saved setups. The picture in the book shows an option
to Load. Also, there is no way to toggle between Autobrake Off and On,
and if I go to the Graphic Options screen any time while I'm at a
track, it goes into 640x480 and wont go back into low-res. I'm sure
this has been brought up before, but I haven't seen any mention of it
lately. I know there are some bugs in N2, but I doubt Papyrus forgot
to include or couldn't figure out how to include a way to load setups
(I learned to load external files in my first Computer Science class).
I don't see why there would be any problem with my copy of the
program, but any info would be appreciated.