Hi all...
Well, with the help and input of this r.a.s., I've started purchasing my
components for my first "build your own" computer. :-0 I'll be using
my current HD, disk and CD drives. The pertinents of my machine will be
the following:
QDI Titanium TX mainboard; AMD K6 233mmx CPU, 32 Meg SDRAM, Soundblaster
AWE 64.
However, I cannot for the life of me decide what would be the best
direction for me when it comes to a video card. My current favorite
driving sims are N2, GP2, ICR2, in that order. When released, I plan to
aquire the BGN Pack for N2, CART: Precision Racing, and UBISoft's F1,
and possibly the upcoming Sierra/Papyrus re-release of ICR2. Now, of the
above, several support Rendition based cards only, but the others? And
what "direction" is the industry taking? 3dfx? Voodoo? V2200? Who
knows, huh?
What to do? Do I go with a rendition based card, and enjoy the
immediate rendition benifits of the few games that support it?
(HOWEVER, there's the upcoming V2100 and 2200 rendition chips on the
way... what kind of impact will that have on the market and my games?)
Or, do I go for a 3dfx card, and chunk the rendtion idea... or should I
just put a good 2D card, and "wait and see"?
If rendition, then I guess that would be a Screamin'3d? But if 3dfx...
what board? I know of a few that really like the Monster 3D... but
wouldn't I have to have a 2D card along with the 3D dedicated Monster
card anyway? However, if I go the "wait and see" approach what "value
priced" 2D board? ANY input will be carefully considered. Hey... the
time is nearing when my slide-show N2 racing will be over!!! (But I've
got to have a vid card!)