This is how it WILL work under Windows 98,...............for me it did!!!
You should first uninstall it completely from your system.
Then you should unzip the gpldemo.exe with winzip to x:\gpl (X stand for your HD!!)
After that replace wininet.dll from x:\gpl to x:\gpl\program
The next thing to do is to create a x:\gpl\program\controls dir
Then make x:\gpl\program otions.ini writeable
Now the next thin to do is to start te game from x:\gpl\program\gpl.exe
and configure you joystick or wheel,and adjust the other options to your personal wishes
after that exit the game.......... don't go driving yet!!!
After that edit x:\gpl\program\options.ini go to
line 35 and change it into lastRasterizerDLL = rast3dfx.dll (You will get No 3DFX textures if you don't!!)
Copy the options.ini to x:\gpl\program\controls and make options.ini read only again
Now you can start the game,...and everything works fine under Windows 98!!
Greetings :) ___ RuuD?
[]_.-' (Q_,._