Maybe this person is looking for a non participant simulator. No Graphics,
just a bunch of numbers to see if the latest damper valve will hold up under
highway stresses.
That's why I'd look into this group based on it's name. :-)
Mark Jeangerard
New Mexico USA
> A R,
> I hate to tell you they are all games. After having been in a ture Flight
> Simulater with full motion, anything on a PC is a game. I buried a very
> expensive private jet on this simulator and have the bruises to prove it.
> Dave
> > In my book Geand Prix Legends is the onely SIMULATOR on the market. All
> the
> > rest are gust Games!!!!!!!!!
> > Im a RaceCar driver and a PC game lover, I purchas all car games for my
> pc i
> > can find.