I have used several different driver versions on my TNT2 Ultra, and
have never observed a problem with mirrors like you are describing.
Given that the Ultra is just a higher clock speed, I can't believe that
there isn't something else affecting your display. I believe I am using
the 12.40 driver currently, and mirrors worked fine in my race last
night. (Unfortunately, my designated driver was definitely 'off', but
that's another story....)
> The Ferarri mirrors are truly the worst. I have a different
> problem though. I have an NVIDIA TNT2 card. In training the mirrors
> (any car) work fine. But in races, there is only a static image in
> the mirrors and no moving reflections. I can't see a thing behind
> me. How can I fix this. The latest driver doesn't work and causes
> the game to crash on my system. The previous driver is th eone I
> use, and it make GPL and all my other games run much smoother than
> the newest driver, but this mirror thing really bugs me. What can I
> do to fix it?
>>>probably you are taller?
>>>>>is there anyway of adjusting mirrors on gpl? i cant see anything
>>>>>in the ferrari's
>>>>I've heard this before, but I don't SEEM to have any problems
>>>>knowing when there's a car behind me. Maybe I've gotten used to
>>>>the Ferrari mirrors?
>>>>have to compare cars.
>>I *wish*...<g>