Sierra redemption BRAVO!

K. Laisath

Sierra redemption BRAVO!

by K. Laisath » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Why would Blizzard make sense? So far, its product line has
little in common with EA's. EA probably makes more money
from console games than PC games. None of Blizzard's strength
(most notably, the multi-play) translates well into
console market. That is, unless Sony decide to hook up its
Playstation to the Internet any time soon. OTOH, if Cendant
wants to get out of PC entertainment business, I can't see
anyone who can afford Blizzard, except EA. But then again,
Cendant can always cut the big software unit loose. Frankly,
Blizzard ought to do well going it alone.



Thomas B Gro

Sierra redemption BRAVO!

by Thomas B Gro » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

: >
: >Hard to imagine any other parts of Sierra fitting well with
: >the EA product line.  Imagine EA publishing junk like Lords of Magic!
: >But Blizzard and Papyrus makes sense.

: Why would Blizzard make sense? So far, its product line has
: little in common with EA's. EA probably makes more money
: from console games than PC games. None of Blizzard's strength

Blizzard would make sense because they make quality products.

: (most notably, the multi-play) translates well into
: console market. That is, unless Sony decide to hook up its
: Playstation to the Internet any time soon.

I don't particularly like multiplaying in general, but I love
Warcraft II.  I think the multiplayer aspect of these games is
greatly exaggerated.  If everyone who played Warcraft II or Starcraft
were playing it online, there wouldn't be enough bandwidth left
to post to usenet or access the Starr report...  Don't forget
that EA bought the rights to WarCraft II on consoles...

OTOH, if Cendant
: wants to get out of PC entertainment business, I can't see
: anyone who can afford Blizzard, except EA. But then again,
: Cendant can always cut the big software unit loose. Frankly,
: Blizzard ought to do well going it alone.

 I would not be surprised to see Blizzard spun off by itself.
 I hadn't heard/seen these EA rumors until today.  



Sierra redemption BRAVO!

by TuKu » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

On Wed, 30 Sep 1998 23:45:44 -0400, "Ed Kloskowski"

>Just bought 3 new games today, 2 of them Sierra titles.  I had pretty much
>given up on Sierra putting out decent games again, seems like they were
>getting away from manuals, publishing good games and just a general feeling
>of un-easiness.

>But tonight, I opened the CEASER III box and was greeted by a quick refernce
>card and a 200+ page manual INDEXED!.  The GPL box contained 2 manauls (well
>1 manual and 1 hefty strategy guide that is very well written)

>BRAVO! sierra for the quality of the presentation and the support for the
>game out of box with good books.

>BIGGER BRAVO! for the fact that my wallet is only $34.99 lighter per game!
>I am used to paying nearly $50 for new releases to satiate my habit.  good
>games, fair price, good pack -ins.  sounds like a deal to me.


Enjoy it while it lasts.  It seems to come in waves.



Sierra redemption BRAVO!

by Savold » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

I bought exactly the same games and they both look great. GPL is amazing
and a terrific job on Caesar 3.

> Just bought 3 new games today, 2 of them Sierra titles.  I had pretty much
> given up on Sierra putting out decent games again, seems like they were
> getting away from manuals, publishing good games and just a general feeling
> of un-easiness.

> But tonight, I opened the CEASER III box and was greeted by a quick refernce
> card and a 200+ page manual INDEXED!.  The GPL box contained 2 manauls (well
> 1 manual and 1 hefty strategy guide that is very well written)

> BRAVO! sierra for the quality of the presentation and the support for the
> game out of box with good books.

> BIGGER BRAVO! for the fact that my wallet is only $34.99 lighter per game!
> I am used to paying nearly $50 for new releases to satiate my habit.  good
> games, fair price, good pack -ins.  sounds like a deal to me.

> edk

Brian Ost

Sierra redemption BRAVO!

by Brian Ost » Tue, 06 Oct 1998 04:00:00

On Wed, 30 Sep 1998 23:48:17 -0700, Mark Eubank

>I ended up paying $50 for the game as I have no EB in the area, only
>BestBuy, CompUSA and Software ect. The game was 49.95 at both CompUSA
>and Bestbuy. Software ect didn't have the game although thier website
>claimed they did with a $10 rebate. No rebate at CompUSA or Bestbuy. But
>the game is good enough to justify the 49.95.
> I too was pleasantly surprised with the manuals included and the
>apparent bug free appearance of the game after 4 hours of play. A good
>change from what Sierra subjected us to last xmas season.

Shoulda held out for a couple of weeks.  CompUSA ALLWAYS puts the game
out on the shelf at around $50 when it first comes out then drops it
to around $35 after about 2 weeks.  Besides, after about 2 weeks you
can usually pick up the game and the patch will also be available for
download as well...

Brian Oster
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