
Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:


Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Eldre » Sat, 02 Jun 2001 03:40:53


>Yeah, but that is rarely the case.  That's why I left FlashNet last
>year, because of ISP-imposed limits.  They would cap you on downloading
>files to 100MB a day.  Then they wouldn't let me back on for 12 hours
>afterwards.  I ended up using NetZero for most of my 1.3GB Linux iso
>download.  Pretty bad when a free net service gives you more leeway than
>one you pay $13 a month for.   So I went looking elsewhere & found

Last time I even checked various ISPs, I'm not in their 'service' area.  But,
I'm more than welcome to put my name on their mailing list... :-(

Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
F1 hcp. +24.63...F2 +151.26...

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

Marc Collin

Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Marc Collin » Sat, 02 Jun 2001 06:09:30

Sounds like a great idea...count me in!


> > Sadly [A] I'm not aloud to host
> >via my server & if I get caught I lose my cable and

> Yikes!  Is this your cable service or something?  A server isn't that
> bandwidth intensive, is it?
> Stay tuned, when I have ISDN soon there'll be a server.  I'm thinking
> of maybe setting up a mailing list and changing passwords regularly.
> When a wrecker shows up (or someone not on the mailing list), I'll
> change the password (and remove the wrecker from the list).
> Maybe a semi-open server (can you do this like you can in VROC, where
> admins with password acces can change the race parameters?).
> Going to read the N4 docs/readme...

> Kendt

Uncle Feste

Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Uncle Feste » Sat, 02 Jun 2001 06:44:05

> writes:

> >Yeah, but that is rarely the case.  That's why I left FlashNet last
> >year, because of ISP-imposed limits.  They would cap you on downloading
> >files to 100MB a day.  Then they wouldn't let me back on for 12 hours
> >afterwards.  I ended up using NetZero for most of my 1.3GB Linux iso
> >download.  Pretty bad when a free net service gives you more leeway than
> >one you pay $13 a month for.   So I went looking elsewhere & found

> Last time I even checked various ISPs, I'm not in their 'service' area.  But,
> I'm more than welcome to put my name on their mailing list... :-(

Southfield # plus 2 or 3 Detroit #'s.



Dave Henri

Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Dave Henri » Sat, 02 Jun 2001 08:40:22

  This occured to me at work today so it MUST be important.   You say you
have gone over the EULA with lawyers and your solution works.  Great.
(there's always a but....)
  What is to stop a local cable provider from mis-interpreting the EULA and
shutting off access for whomever is using your program?  It may be very all
well and good that YOU know the server is defined in such a way as to allow
you to host....but if the local provider thinks he knows what a server is,
he is going to cut off your access and then worry about the legal definition
  Even if you are right, and have the legal backing to prove are
still facing a situation where you will most likely have to continually
prove to the locals that what you are doing is proper...and then....knowing
corparations like I do...we'll probably get a letter in our next bill with
an addendum(notice that word ends in DUM) that covers whatever scheme you
have cooked up.  I hope for the best but I think you had better be prepared
for sticky times ahead.
dave henrie


Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Eldre » Sat, 02 Jun 2001 09:15:36


>> writes:

>> >Yeah, but that is rarely the case.  That's why I left FlashNet last
>> >year, because of ISP-imposed limits.  They would cap you on downloading
>> >files to 100MB a day.  Then they wouldn't let me back on for 12 hours
>> >afterwards.  I ended up using NetZero for most of my 1.3GB Linux iso
>> >download.  Pretty bad when a free net service gives you more leeway than
>> >one you pay $13 a month for.   So I went looking elsewhere & found

>> Last time I even checked various ISPs, I'm not in their 'service' area.
>> I'm more than welcome to put my name on their mailing list... :-(

>Southfield # plus 2 or 3 Detroit #'s.

Sorry - I meant cable modems/dsl connections...

Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
F1 hcp. +24.63...F2 +151.26...

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

Ben Colema

Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Ben Colema » Sat, 02 Jun 2001 11:02:44

FWIW yes, I do think you're being paranoid and no, thanks, I won't get with
your program.  But hey, if you think your service is threatened then don't still get kick-ass client connections to the many hosts out

I don't think the cable company would discern a 1 hr race from a 1 hr
Napster session.


>How bout straight from the cable company's mouth? "You host any
>races or games you'll take up 'too much bandwidth' with your plan!
>So if we catch you we will be forced to expire your service with us!"
>Now does that sound like paranoia to you?? You think I'd just toss
>a comment as important as this "willy-nilly"? Not this dude!!
>Phew.. Get with the program will ya??

>| I thought most of those clauses related to hosting web sites rather than
>| races....are you sure you're not being paranoid?!  ;o>
>| Ben

Thom j

Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Thom j » Sat, 02 Jun 2001 11:09:01

Hmmm? My man Mr Dave H has a point here!!

| I hope for the best but I think you had better be prepared for sticky
| times ahead.
| dave henrie

| > The problem is in your User Agreement.
| >

Thom j

Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Thom j » Sat, 02 Jun 2001 11:18:40

Ben I can see you havent been following all the info about the

cares in Leningrad...lmmfaorofl So thats my 2 more "rubles!!"
Back to the USSR Thats where U are Babe! Back Back Back! :o)~

| FWIW yes, I do think you're being paranoid and no, thanks, I won't get
| your program.  But hey, if you think your service is threatened then don't
| still get kick-ass client connections to the many hosts out
| there.
| I don't think the cable company would discern a 1 hr race from a 1 hr
| Napster session.
| Ben


Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Jason » Sun, 03 Jun 2001 16:43:58

He does... to a point.

You'll see how we deal with that soon enough ;) (we knew that 2 years ago...
and made arrangements accordingly).



Dave Cas

Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Dave Cas » Wed, 06 Jun 2001 16:59:06

I'm with you FM.  It didn't use to be a free-for-all on TEN.  Granted,
there were a few wreckfests but, it was easy to find a great group of guys
to race against, who were there to race and not wreck.  Papy and Sierra did
more to kill online racing with this version of the software than anyone ever
could have.  I think I've raced 3 pick up races in the last two or three
months.  I used to race that many in a night.  It just isn't worth my time
anymore.  There are just too many "kids" out there that think that the object
of racing is to take out as many people as possible.

I just haven't had any luck in finding a good league to run in Sunday
mornings.  This is the best time for me to race.  The only problem with your
idea of moving onto leagues and leaving the pickup races alone is the lack of
practice time with live competitors.  The AI is pathetic and gives you no real
practice that does any good in a live race.  That is what was so good about
TEN.  You could usually find some decent drivers to practice with and know
that you could go 100  laps at Dover without some idiot trying to put you into
the parking lot.

If I or anyone else in my kart club raced the way some of these morons race,
we would be banned from the track for the rest of our lives.

Dave Casey
Casey#9 (NASCAR Racing 4)

Dave Cas

Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Dave Cas » Wed, 06 Jun 2001 17:05:47

It used to be with TEN you had ranking systems that could be used for this and
you could also take a look at the listings and see where a person was on the
list.  I don't know if there is a place to see listings for N4 but, with
Papy's apparent lack of caring for the online racing community, I somehow
doubt it.

I know there are people out there that will say that rankings and LPI are
useless but, they were better than what we have now which is nothing.

Dave Casey
Casey#9 (NASCAR Racing 4)

Dave Henri

Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by Dave Henri » Fri, 08 Jun 2001 11:33:56

  If you can stand using N3 still, and can figure out how to turn right, the
TPTCC summer season will run two events a weekend, on Friday nights and VERY
early Sunday...TPTCC is an international touring car league and the times
are to try and benefit West Coast Yanks as well as Aussies and Euro types.
dave henrie


Papyrus, For The Love Of God.. Please Read:

by J » Sun, 10 Jun 2001 19:29:29

You already got one of those 56 kB rockets.


BTW: Anybody interested in buying my modem? Don't know the brand right now, but
it's one of those where you press the telephone receiver in these *** socket
equipped thingies.

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