The Canadian Thunder Touring Car Series ( CTTCS ), for Nascar Racing 1, is
in business. Scott Williams and I are running the CTTCS, an offline touring
car series. We will be using the touring car patch for N1 ( from the Pits
) and running races on all the road/street tracks for N1, ( including the
ICR2 to N1 converted tracks ) plus the Flat Glen course from those kind
folks at BB&B, ( and anything else they may cook up in the near future ).
There are two different divisions for two different skill levels. For all
you hot shots on road courses, there is the Canadian Cup divison with open
setups, and slightly longer races. For all of us who have trouble turning
....... ahhh ....... ( what's the opposite of left ? ) there is the
Division which has a mandatory setup and shorter races. Don't let the name
fool you, the racing should be furious, and the competition fierce. So if
you would like to get a little more information please check out our
website at and we'll see you at the track.
Bobby Upward
"Fat, Drunk, and Stupid, is no way to go through life, son"