a nice idea to tell you which cheats there are (on the cheat screen) and
explain them.
1. Super Fast Cars: makes your car... yes, right, super fast. But also a
bit harder to control!
2. Immunity: the cops won't see and follow you, whatever you do.
3. No Damage: this is a ***e, er... ah, you've guessed it: the car's
can't be damaged! Very good...
4. Freight Train: your car becomes like the car in the Driving game
'Carnage': VERY strong. Or should I say all other cars become VERY
light? They seem to weigh nothing more than a empty wooden box! Watch
them fly...
5. Overhead View: a (useless) Grand Theft Auto view.
6. Skip interview: when you start the main Undercover game, you skip the
first 'garage test' mission and end up immediately in the first hotel
7. Railroad Cops: now the cops are Freight Trains (see cheat 4). Watch
yourself fly...
8. Play Newcastle: this isn't really a cheat. When you select this you
are immediately taken to Newcastle, England, where you can drive around
in a little town. That's all. No cops, no games, nothing. If only it was
somewhat bigger and if only they would let you play games out there...
Pretty useless...
9. Credits: I wonder why they called this a cheat... :-)
That's all, folks! Happy driving!