>With any object, there is a coefficient of friction for sliding, and
>one for static, when you are gripping. The friction force is pretty
>simple, if you know the force from the tyre to the ground, it is
>simply coeff x reaction force = lateral force. Once the lateral force
>is exceeded, the coeff will change from the static one to the sliding
This is very much oversimplification for tires and I would advise
against your regular static vs. sliding friction model. The tire is a
flexing piece of ***, and preferably has a slow transition from
sticking to sliding.
The 'coeff' you speak of can be taken from Pacejka curves, but that's
hardly trivial when you start with a sim. Transitions from static to
sliding coefficients are not like shoving around a cupboard.
It seems both raising and lowering pressure away from the optimal
point reduces grip btw. Wasn't somewhere like 155kPa appropriate for a
sports car tire?
Anybody now the relationship of tire heating vs. slip ratio for
example? Don't know whether it would be just linear or quadratic, but
it seems to me a simple temp system could consist of:
heat (in Joules for example) += slipRatio*timeStep*heatCoefficient
heat += slipAngle*timeStep*heatCoefficient(Lat)
heat -= disippationCoefficient*(tireTemp-airTemp)*timeStep
And derive pressure and things like that from that.
Actually, your own car probably has tires doing just over 1.0, in the
area of 1.1 somewhat. See Genta's book; a normal tire these days can
do about 1.1, the Ferrari tires are ~1.7 (the b2 Pacejka constant),
and I would assume therefore the F1 cars today will do about 2.0-2.4.
The friction coefficient probably doesn't get this high, but thanks to
downforce, you get more upforce, normally referred to as load, and as
F_long=someCoefficient*normalForce (normalForce=load), the added
downforce leads to more available longitudinal force. That's raising
the load, not the coefficient.
As Gregor pointed out, this is not true. Perhaps tire hysterisis or
effects like that (*** gripping into the surface), but it can
easily outdo it's normal force. Extreme example; a pole of concrete
stucked into the ground. You surely have to apply more lateral force
to get it to move (if you succeed at all), than the force dragging it
down (gravity). Something sticky like that happens with *** I
think, on a small scale.
But there I may be totally wrong, but still, friction coefficients are
generally 1.1-2.2 from road car to F1.
Ruud van Gaal, GPL Rank +53.25
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