Stop the press, hold the front page, stop the World for a minute ...
.. Blair Callbeck must have something very important to say because
the subject line tells us that his posting (first in this group I
think as well) is "VERY IMPORTANT". He's so confident that we're
all about to be amazed, he's typed everything in capital letters...
this should be pretty good, has he found a track editor for GP2, has
he discovered a hidden track in the NASCAR 2 demo? Is he about to
tell us that Nigel Mansell has signed for Stewart G.P.?
Oh dear. No, he wants our advice ...
That's because you no longer own it. If you sell your car, you're
not allowed to drive it anymore. If you sell your house, you can't
live there. Understand the parallel? Maybe not.
.. "Feeling supersonic, give me gin and tonic"