I played for about 3 hours trying to get further into a Championship.
Using the Act-labs shifter software v2.1 and my Ferrari FF software
v2.016 on my WinME, A7A266, AMD 1.3GHz, SBLive - with EAX2.0 and 4
speaker sound at 44KHz, KyroII at 1024 32bit I experienced only 2 bugs:
1. One time I had no gas/throttle reponse (I forget if I had gear
selection) for about 4 seconds, then it worked. This might be due to
the timeout on the Act-lab shifter software?? Not sure. Since I lost 4
seconds on the stage, I just restarted.
2. When I exit the game -- everytime so far -- It gives me a
KERNAL32.DLL error. I just reboot after playing it.
So was it worth $35 CAD? Sure. Driving your first night stage in Kenya
is pretty wild! :)
Physics wise, you cannot shift into neutral that's not a game-killer.
It's pretty darn fun that when you are driving on the edge you can
control the rear of the RWD car with the throttle.
>>so it'll have to wait for Friday for full testing with my TMFF (Someone
>>wanted to know if the FF died after driving it).
> Let me know how long it works on your system with a TMFF.....
> http://forum.jowood.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=26966&t=6472#post26966
Jason Monds theCLAPPER in Kali
http://www.proracingclub.com - Pro Racing Club! (N4, GPL, Fun Run Sims)
http://www.racersdomain.com - Race hosting.
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