> This topic is quite old. I think I seen it first mentioned in 96 from
> the Hawaii days. I know up to now there are no external viewers available
> for current sims
External viewers is a vague. There is several ideas below that are close or
far to yours. Still, I think it's obvious that what you were doing is
different. You are the client, you are not the server. The server has to
send packets to EVERY client, and normally is very close to it's limit.
The closest we have been to that is one of the early demo for Burnout. If
you remember, it was a simple application where you loaded a part of the sim
(you could smash the car) from a window, an application out of the main
I always thought it was a great idea. Just think about N4. Painters would
sure love my next idea. You could load any .car or .bmp file in a small
application that would render it on a 3d car model. The application would
be free to the public. It's a great PR tool as everybody can try it, it's
also a great community tool as if you receive a .car from somebody, you can
easily check it out without the need to load N4.
On the same aspect, I still have no clue why none of the developers have
ever designed a feature that would save a replay as a movie file on your
hard disk.
-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- http://www.ymenard.com/
-- People think it must be fun to be a genius, but they don't realise how
hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.