> Why are the lap times in Hawaii slower than the laptimes in the stand
> alone mode. I have noticed a 3% decrease in my lap times with the exact
> same setup. This makes it difficult to translate off-line testing to
> on-line racing. I haven't seen any postings related to this and would
> appreciate any information I can get.
First off, you should try testing your setups in Preseason Testing using the
MULTI.exe rather than the regular NASCAR.exe. The physics model has been changed
slightly, so that might be what is causing the difference. Also, try using the
F4 key at the race scheduler to see the weather conditions for each race. There
can be a big difference between racing at 70 degrees versus 85 degrees.
Emory University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Nascar Setups Page: http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~ebusch/
Hawaii Network UserName: Buschwick (5)