If so, wich patches do i have to install and were can i get them?
I have the Gouillemot (or whatever) Ferrari whell.
> Jeppe
Next to GPL maybe <G>
For more detail check out Alison Hine's (aka Eagle Woman) Force Feedback
page for GPL:
You will need the 1.2 patch for GPL
Then you will need to create or edit your core.ini file (make sure the
file name is core.ini -- double check via DOS dir -- run the file
command and then change to your GPL directory and issue the command "dir
Add the following line under the heading "[ Joy ]"
allow_force_feedback = 1
the following is from the 1.1 readme.txt file:
It is possible to enable force-feedback steering by adding the following
lines to core.ini:
[ Joy ]
allow_force_feedback = 1 ;
Additionally, there are (of course) some things to fiddle around with.
Three other lines can be added--these are the default values used if
these lines are missing:
force_feedback_latency = 0.085 ; in seconds
force_feedback_damping = 40.0 ; magic number
max_steering_torque = 225.0 ; in Newton-inches
force_feedback_latency can be used to try to reduce the lag in force
buildup. If you swerve back and forth at speed, you might notice that
the force does not seem to match what the car is doing--it is a little
out of phase. The default value seems to work best with the Microsoft
wheel, other wheels may require some tweaking. Generally, the lowest
number that works for you is probably best. Try 0.0, then move it up if
the force seems out of phase. If you set it too high, you will begin to
get unwanted spikes in the force levels.
force_feedback_damping can be used to counteract the unwanted spikes.
Guidelines for this number? Try anything from 0.0 to several hundred,
maybe, but this also causes jumpiness if raised to excess.
max_steering_torque is the level of torque actually computed in the game
that will give the maximum force level on the device. Setting this to a
higher number will reduce the force you feel. Setting this lower will
increase the forces you feel, but will tend to clamp them, so you will
not feel the car loading up on a hill, etc. Sorry about the bogus units
(although they are at least a unit of torque).
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> > Is it possible to get force-feedback in GPL?
> > If so, wich patches do i have to install and were can i get them?
> > I have the Gouillemot (or whatever) Ferrari whell.
> > Jeppe
Also, just as a footnote, the 1.2 patch for the UK doesn't install correctly
without the 1.1 patch because the 1.2 patch fails to overwrite some
copy-protected files. That's just something to be aware of if you have
trouble applying the 1.2 patch.
Thank you :-)
I'll try it
Are you sure about this? I had a HD crash, had to reinstall everything
from scratch, and installed 1.0 off the CD, and then 1.2 from Papy.
Skipped 1.1 completely, and everything's fine.
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)