Its hilarious! -- especially when he saids "he's worth it".
Why did they need to use such a clumsy overdub when
Micheal speaks english brilliantly?
In Norway he speaks French. Overdubbed, of course. French!
> Its hilarious! -- especially when he saids "he's worth it".
> Why did they need to use such a clumsy overdub when
> Micheal speaks english brilliantly?
> > ...with yesterday, use the right equipment, then start again! :o)
> --
> Steven Crook-Dawkins
Salut :-)
Don't be satisfied with yesterday.
Choose the right equipment.
Use it the right way.
Refuse to compromise.
Expect to succeed.
Then start again.
And, yes, it's getting on my***too.
You have ***ies?
Just like Meatloaf in Fight Club :))
They lost the English track, apparently its him in the German and Italian
Although, Out of all the ads I still think that the one with DC is the
lamest...... the one where he stops at Monaco goes for a hair-cut and gets
back in to win the race.... Anyone seen this yet? Its only in German.
> > Its hilarious! -- especially when he saids "he's worth it".
> > Why did they need to use such a clumsy overdub when
> > Micheal speaks english brilliantly?
> They lost the English track, apparently its him in the German and Italian
> ads.
> Although, Out of all the ads I still think that the one with DC is the
> lamest...... the one where he stops at Monaco goes for a hair-cut and gets
> back in to win the race.... Anyone seen this yet? Its only in German.
> > This is not as funny as Micheal Schumacher's new
> > hair shampoo advert.
> > Its hilarious! -- especially when he saids "he's worth it".
> > Why did they need to use such a clumsy overdub when
> > Micheal speaks english brilliantly?
> They lost the English track, apparently its him in the German and Italian
> ads.
> Although, Out of all the ads I still think that the one with DC is the
> lamest...... the one where he stops at Monaco goes for a hair-cut and gets
> back in to win the race.... Anyone seen this yet? Its only in German.
> > correction:
> > Don't be satisfied with yesterday.
> > Choose the right equipment.
> > Use it the right way.
> > Refuse to compromise.
> > Expect to succeed.
> > Then start again.
> > And, yes, it's getting on my***too.
> > Jan.
> > =---
> > robswindells wrote...
> > > ...with yesterday, use the right equipment, then start again! :o)
Oh yeah, Red Bull obviously thinks only F1 fans buy it's over
priced product!
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