Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

Cota Wyrmhear

Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Cota Wyrmhear » Tue, 24 Nov 1998 04:00:00


   Lets see if I can do a competent review of this game. Overall it's a
great game. It's sort of like an arcade racer wrapped around a very
realistic driving model. It looks like arcade but drives like a sim.

   The main interface is simple. As is the garage and paint shop. A few
clicks is all it takes to get into the action. The garage isnt quite as
complex as other sims I've seen, but still offers plenty of adjustments.
There's aerodymanics, shock and spring settings, camber, toe, gear ratios,
final drives and more. The only thing it might lack for the serious sim
racer (which I am not) is individual wheel adjustments. You can only adjust
front and rear settings. I suppose for the oval tracks you might want to
adjust all four wheels different, but its fine for me. All of the
adjustments are broken into catagories and accesible by tabs on one page. A
rather neat feature is this window that shows in real time how the
adjustments you're making are going to affect your car. Take away front
spoiler and it shows that what you are doing is going add 'push' to your
car. From the garage, you can instantly go to the track to test your

   The paint kit is pretty impressive. For the artists, it has a nice free
hand section and for the not-so artistic it has 20 or so templates where you
can change the colors. Decals and numbers are also available to add to your

   The career mode is just great. There are four classes to race in. You
start in amatuer and work your way up by winning the point championship at
the end of each season. Along the way you earn money (the better you finish
the better the purse) and can put that money toward upgrades. The upgrades
are as simple and cheap as a performance muffler up to ported cyllinder
heads and fuel injection systems. The class you're racing in determines what
upgrades are available. (Tip for begginers: go for the tires first) You dont
have to win every race to advance to the next class, you just have to win
the points race (again the better you finish the more points you get). It
took me four seasons to gradutate out of the amatuers and eight seasons I
think to make it to the pro class.

   There are (I think) eight tracks all of which can be ran backwards for 16
total. Two tracks are ovals the rest are road courses. The terrain for the
road courses range from fertile green to parched desert. They are slighty
reminescent (sp?) of Need for Speed tracks. No walls though, you can drive
anywhere on or off the tracks. Some are wide and fast, others tight and
narrow with lots of elevation changes. For me each track is a challenge and
requires a good line and proper car setup to be able drive fast.

   Graphically the game is quite good. I wouldnt say absolutely stunning but
very good. The sounds are pretty decent and useful when determining if
you're pushing your car close to or over the 'edge'.

   Physics! This is where the game shines. They are simply fantastic. I've
never driven a Viper (or any car at 180mph+) but it seems right on. You can
get loose and save it and you can get loose and lose it. With precise
throttle and steering you can even use it to your advantage. It's quite
incredible. Watching replays of your car is fun and informative. You can see
the front end dip when you shift and the chassis roll in high speed corners.

  AI... Im still not sure what to think of this yet. The AI drivers are fast
and drive good lines. I've lost more than one race though due to their
aggresiveness. They do crash and do so realistically and on occassion I've
seen them react to me. One example is, I had one guy on my ass for almost
two laps. It made me quite nervous, I was afraid he would take me out. Well,
one corner I got a little wide and he stuck his nose down underneath me.
"Its all over" I thought, he's gonna spin me. It was a right hand corner and
he was on my inside and a bit behind me. I held my line and since I had his
'exit' covered he actually had to get out of the gas to avoid drifting up
into me and lost his momentum and fell quite a ways back because of it.
Other times though I swear they drive like I'm not even there and just
hammer into me. I've learned though that alot of crashes are your own fault
by not driving a smooth fast line. I suppose they dont have time to react to
your poor driving and a crash is the result. Anyway the AI at first seems
lacking but the more I watch them the more intelligent they seem.

   Hmm... did I leave anything out? Multiplayer I've not tried yet so I cant
comment on that. I'll go on to my beefs with the game which arent many and
pretty petty. Oh one other thing I forgot, there's a clutch! I've never seen
a clutch in a driving game before. It very hard since I dont have a third
pedal or an easy to reach button on my T2 wheel. I tried but much like when
I first tried a manual shift so many years ago its very tricky.

  Ok, first complaint is after driving in career mode and building up my
Viper to the monster it is now, going back to a 'quick' race and a stock
Viper is a drag. I'm curious how multiplayer works in this regard. I can see
how in multiplayer you'd probably want everyone on the same playing field as
far as their car goes though. Next is the shadows on some of the courses.
They are just painted onto the road it seems. A fantastic example of good
shadows is the SBK Superbike demo. Now those are shadows! MGI, check out
that demo and see how they're done. My last complaint is the lack of a
'sense of speed'. It just doesnt seem quite right to me. There's one track
in particular that has a series of very tight S's. The first time I went
through them I felt like I was doing 15mph, I looked at my spedo and it said
65! It certainly didnt look like I was doing 65.

  Anyway, there's my thoughts on the game. I give it a 9 outa 10. Great!
Fantastic! Love it! Thanks MGI! Sierra: you're lucky you have these guys
writing for you.


Disclaimer: Im not an english teacher and I didnt check grammar, spelling,
or punctuation!

Cota Wyrmhear

Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Cota Wyrmhear » Tue, 24 Nov 1998 04:00:00

My other problem with the game was the mirror. It's too small, there are
some serious blind spots. I'd like to see maybe a wider view in the mirror
or one of those mirrors that are broke into sections where I could a little
more to the side of me. Maybe something like that could be put in a patch?



Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by CombatWomba » Tue, 24 Nov 1998 04:00:00

Thats what the AI says about me  :-)
They especially hate it when on the 6th corner of castlegreen i always come
out 20-30mph faster and knock them off the road into trees (usually taking
me with em)


Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Destro » Tue, 24 Nov 1998 04:00:00

Great review. I don't have my full copy yet but just from the demo these are a
few things I'd like to see in a patch.

1. higher resolution support past 1024x768
2. ability to add more cars
3. ability to adjust your Field Of View ( to help the sense of speed)
4. a frame rate counter cheat code
5. ability to look back
6. shorter tracks?? (not sure on this one but from what ppl say the tracks are
really long in Viper)

If you like my ideas send them to MGI!!!!!!! The more emails they get the more

> Greetings,

>    Lets see if I can do a competent review of this game. Overall it's a
> great game. It's sort of like an arcade racer wrapped around a very
> realistic driving model. It looks like arcade but drives like a sim.

>    The main interface is simple. As is the garage and paint shop. A few
> clicks is all it takes to get into the action. The garage isnt quite as
> complex as other sims I've seen, but still offers plenty of adjustments.
> There's aerodymanics, shock and spring settings, camber, toe, gear ratios,
> final drives and more. The only thing it might lack for the serious sim
> racer (which I am not) is individual wheel adjustments. You can only adjust
> front and rear settings. I suppose for the oval tracks you might want to
> adjust all four wheels different, but its fine for me. All of the
> adjustments are broken into catagories and accesible by tabs on one page. A
> rather neat feature is this window that shows in real time how the
> adjustments you're making are going to affect your car. Take away front
> spoiler and it shows that what you are doing is going add 'push' to your
> car. From the garage, you can instantly go to the track to test your
> adjustments.

>    The paint kit is pretty impressive. For the artists, it has a nice free
> hand section and for the not-so artistic it has 20 or so templates where you
> can change the colors. Decals and numbers are also available to add to your
> car.

>    The career mode is just great. There are four classes to race in. You
> start in amatuer and work your way up by winning the point championship at
> the end of each season. Along the way you earn money (the better you finish
> the better the purse) and can put that money toward upgrades. The upgrades
> are as simple and cheap as a performance muffler up to ported cyllinder
> heads and fuel injection systems. The class you're racing in determines what
> upgrades are available. (Tip for begginers: go for the tires first) You dont
> have to win every race to advance to the next class, you just have to win
> the points race (again the better you finish the more points you get). It
> took me four seasons to gradutate out of the amatuers and eight seasons I
> think to make it to the pro class.

>    There are (I think) eight tracks all of which can be ran backwards for 16
> total. Two tracks are ovals the rest are road courses. The terrain for the
> road courses range from fertile green to parched desert. They are slighty
> reminescent (sp?) of Need for Speed tracks. No walls though, you can drive
> anywhere on or off the tracks. Some are wide and fast, others tight and
> narrow with lots of elevation changes. For me each track is a challenge and
> requires a good line and proper car setup to be able drive fast.

>    Graphically the game is quite good. I wouldnt say absolutely stunning but
> very good. The sounds are pretty decent and useful when determining if
> you're pushing your car close to or over the 'edge'.

>    Physics! This is where the game shines. They are simply fantastic. I've
> never driven a Viper (or any car at 180mph+) but it seems right on. You can
> get loose and save it and you can get loose and lose it. With precise
> throttle and steering you can even use it to your advantage. It's quite
> incredible. Watching replays of your car is fun and informative. You can see
> the front end dip when you shift and the chassis roll in high speed corners.
> Outstanding!

>   AI... Im still not sure what to think of this yet. The AI drivers are fast
> and drive good lines. I've lost more than one race though due to their
> aggresiveness. They do crash and do so realistically and on occassion I've
> seen them react to me. One example is, I had one guy on my ass for almost
> two laps. It made me quite nervous, I was afraid he would take me out. Well,
> one corner I got a little wide and he stuck his nose down underneath me.
> "Its all over" I thought, he's gonna spin me. It was a right hand corner and
> he was on my inside and a bit behind me. I held my line and since I had his
> 'exit' covered he actually had to get out of the gas to avoid drifting up
> into me and lost his momentum and fell quite a ways back because of it.
> Other times though I swear they drive like I'm not even there and just
> hammer into me. I've learned though that alot of crashes are your own fault
> by not driving a smooth fast line. I suppose they dont have time to react to
> your poor driving and a crash is the result. Anyway the AI at first seems
> lacking but the more I watch them the more intelligent they seem.

>    Hmm... did I leave anything out? Multiplayer I've not tried yet so I cant
> comment on that. I'll go on to my beefs with the game which arent many and
> pretty petty. Oh one other thing I forgot, there's a clutch! I've never seen
> a clutch in a driving game before. It very hard since I dont have a third
> pedal or an easy to reach button on my T2 wheel. I tried but much like when
> I first tried a manual shift so many years ago its very tricky.

>   Ok, first complaint is after driving in career mode and building up my
> Viper to the monster it is now, going back to a 'quick' race and a stock
> Viper is a drag. I'm curious how multiplayer works in this regard. I can see
> how in multiplayer you'd probably want everyone on the same playing field as
> far as their car goes though. Next is the shadows on some of the courses.
> They are just painted onto the road it seems. A fantastic example of good
> shadows is the SBK Superbike demo. Now those are shadows! MGI, check out
> that demo and see how they're done. My last complaint is the lack of a
> 'sense of speed'. It just doesnt seem quite right to me. There's one track
> in particular that has a series of very tight S's. The first time I went
> through them I felt like I was doing 15mph, I looked at my spedo and it said
> 65! It certainly didnt look like I was doing 65.

>   Anyway, there's my thoughts on the game. I give it a 9 outa 10. Great!
> Fantastic! Love it! Thanks MGI! Sierra: you're lucky you have these guys
> writing for you.

>   -Cota

> Disclaimer: Im not an english teacher and I didnt check grammar, spelling,
> or punctuation!

Paul Jone

Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Paul Jone » Wed, 25 Nov 1998 04:00:00

Go with you on the mirror as well - It's tiny,

> My other problem with the game was the mirror. It's too small, there are
> some serious blind spots. I'd like to see maybe a wider view in the mirror
> or one of those mirrors that are broke into sections where I could a little
> more to the side of me. Maybe something like that could be put in a patch?

> -Cota

Paul Jone

Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Paul Jone » Wed, 25 Nov 1998 04:00:00

Great stuff Cota - an excellant review of an excellant game.
I've tried multiplayer on a lan and it's great especially on the longer courses
(biased opinion here - I'm not a big fan of ovals.)

> Greetings,

>    Lets see if I can do a competent review of this game. Overall it's a
> great game. It's sort of like an arcade racer wrapped around a very
> realistic driving model. It looks like arcade but drives like a sim.

>    The main interface is simple. As is the garage and paint shop. A few
> clicks is all it takes to get into the action. The garage isnt quite as
> complex as other sims I've seen, but still offers plenty of adjustments.
> There's aerodymanics, shock and spring settings, camber, toe, gear ratios,
> final drives and more. The only thing it might lack for the serious sim
> racer (which I am not) is individual wheel adjustments. You can only adjust
> front and rear settings. I suppose for the oval tracks you might want to
> adjust all four wheels different, but its fine for me. All of the
> adjustments are broken into catagories and accesible by tabs on one page. A
> rather neat feature is this window that shows in real time how the
> adjustments you're making are going to affect your car. Take away front
> spoiler and it shows that what you are doing is going add 'push' to your
> car. From the garage, you can instantly go to the track to test your
> adjustments.

>    The paint kit is pretty impressive. For the artists, it has a nice free
> hand section and for the not-so artistic it has 20 or so templates where you
> can change the colors. Decals and numbers are also available to add to your
> car.

>    The career mode is just great. There are four classes to race in. You
> start in amatuer and work your way up by winning the point championship at
> the end of each season. Along the way you earn money (the better you finish
> the better the purse) and can put that money toward upgrades. The upgrades
> are as simple and cheap as a performance muffler up to ported cyllinder
> heads and fuel injection systems. The class you're racing in determines what
> upgrades are available. (Tip for begginers: go for the tires first) You dont
> have to win every race to advance to the next class, you just have to win
> the points race (again the better you finish the more points you get). It
> took me four seasons to gradutate out of the amatuers and eight seasons I
> think to make it to the pro class.

>    There are (I think) eight tracks all of which can be ran backwards for 16
> total. Two tracks are ovals the rest are road courses. The terrain for the
> road courses range from fertile green to parched desert. They are slighty
> reminescent (sp?) of Need for Speed tracks. No walls though, you can drive
> anywhere on or off the tracks. Some are wide and fast, others tight and
> narrow with lots of elevation changes. For me each track is a challenge and
> requires a good line and proper car setup to be able drive fast.

>    Graphically the game is quite good. I wouldnt say absolutely stunning but
> very good. The sounds are pretty decent and useful when determining if
> you're pushing your car close to or over the 'edge'.

>    Physics! This is where the game shines. They are simply fantastic. I've
> never driven a Viper (or any car at 180mph+) but it seems right on. You can
> get loose and save it and you can get loose and lose it. With precise
> throttle and steering you can even use it to your advantage. It's quite
> incredible. Watching replays of your car is fun and informative. You can see
> the front end dip when you shift and the chassis roll in high speed corners.
> Outstanding!

>   AI... Im still not sure what to think of this yet. The AI drivers are fast
> and drive good lines. I've lost more than one race though due to their
> aggresiveness. They do crash and do so realistically and on occassion I've
> seen them react to me. One example is, I had one guy on my ass for almost
> two laps. It made me quite nervous, I was afraid he would take me out. Well,
> one corner I got a little wide and he stuck his nose down underneath me.
> "Its all over" I thought, he's gonna spin me. It was a right hand corner and
> he was on my inside and a bit behind me. I held my line and since I had his
> 'exit' covered he actually had to get out of the gas to avoid drifting up
> into me and lost his momentum and fell quite a ways back because of it.
> Other times though I swear they drive like I'm not even there and just
> hammer into me. I've learned though that alot of crashes are your own fault
> by not driving a smooth fast line. I suppose they dont have time to react to
> your poor driving and a crash is the result. Anyway the AI at first seems
> lacking but the more I watch them the more intelligent they seem.

>    Hmm... did I leave anything out? Multiplayer I've not tried yet so I cant
> comment on that. I'll go on to my beefs with the game which arent many and
> pretty petty. Oh one other thing I forgot, there's a clutch! I've never seen
> a clutch in a driving game before. It very hard since I dont have a third
> pedal or an easy to reach button on my T2 wheel. I tried but much like when
> I first tried a manual shift so many years ago its very tricky.

>   Ok, first complaint is after driving in career mode and building up my
> Viper to the monster it is now, going back to a 'quick' race and a stock
> Viper is a drag. I'm curious how multiplayer works in this regard. I can see
> how in multiplayer you'd probably want everyone on the same playing field as
> far as their car goes though. Next is the shadows on some of the courses.
> They are just painted onto the road it seems. A fantastic example of good
> shadows is the SBK Superbike demo. Now those are shadows! MGI, check out
> that demo and see how they're done. My last complaint is the lack of a
> 'sense of speed'. It just doesnt seem quite right to me. There's one track
> in particular that has a series of very tight S's. The first time I went
> through them I felt like I was doing 15mph, I looked at my spedo and it said
> 65! It certainly didnt look like I was doing 65.

>   Anyway, there's my thoughts on the game. I give it a 9 outa 10. Great!
> Fantastic! Love it! Thanks MGI! Sierra: you're lucky you have these guys
> writing for you.

>   -Cota

> Disclaimer: Im not an english teacher and I didnt check grammar, spelling,
> or punctuation!


Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Andr » Wed, 25 Nov 1998 04:00:00

I'd really like to see a track editor with it. I think id would make the
game even more popular.


>Great review. I don't have my full copy yet but just from the demo these
are a
>few things I'd like to see in a patch.

>1. higher resolution support past 1024x768
>2. ability to add more cars
>3. ability to adjust your Field Of View ( to help the sense of speed)
>4. a frame rate counter cheat code
>5. ability to look back
>6. shorter tracks?? (not sure on this one but from what ppl say the tracks
>really long in Viper)

>If you like my ideas send them to MGI!!!!!!! The more emails they get the


Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Prowl » Wed, 25 Nov 1998 04:00:00

Not neccissary, considering that the graphics are very good, but not
intended to be photorealistic.  You can see as far as you could ever need
to, and IMHO the other cars are quite clear at present resolutions.

While more cars may seem like a great idea, in reality there isn't any
real benifit.  Since cars are never out of the race (design decision that
I think works well), more cars would end up crowding the track and making
winning more of a randome chance event than a skill.

The sence of speed actually is fairly real.  Many games fake it to make
you feel like your going faster.

Not a real desprate thing, but surely a welcome addition

In a real race you can not "look back", in VR you can use the camera
views to see behind you.  I do however feel that there are these little
things called side mirrors that really ne to be added.

There are short and long tracks.

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DIVX: Watching you watch movies

DIVX: You watch it, it watches you

DIVX: Its hard to beleive it, but Bill Gates has nothing to do with it!


Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Prowl » Wed, 25 Nov 1998 04:00:00

While that would be nice, considering the bargain price of $29 for the
game, I don't begrudge them selling a few expansion sets before releasing
the editor.  Remember in VR the trakcs are not just pieces of asphalt.  
There are subtle bumps, banks and other surface variations that mean the
editor would be more of a 3D rendering program than anything else.

*** Support open DVD ***

No phone line connection
No charge for additional viewings
No records of what you watch
Cheaper to rent
Cheaper to own

DIVX: Watching you watch movies

DIVX: You watch it, it watches you

DIVX: Its hard to beleive it, but Bill Gates has nothing to do with it!


Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Destro » Wed, 25 Nov 1998 04:00:00

Good god man, have you no variety in you? Options, options, options!!!!! Come on.

> > few things I'd like to see in a patch.

> > 1. higher resolution support past 1024x768

> Not neccissary, considering that the graphics are very good, but not
> intended to be photorealistic.  You can see as far as you could ever need
> to, and IMHO the other cars are quite clear at present resolutions.

You obviously don't have a TNT card or a 21 monitor.

You are just plain wrong here. I'm currently playing with 19 cars in the VR demo.
Its TONS more fun than 7. What the hell is so wrong with the option to add more? If
you want 2 cars fine but the option to add 20 cars is a total blast.

You are in the minority if you think the sense of speed is real in VR. Try that new
'race.bin' file in the demo. You'll see how nice it is to adjust the FOV.

Why would you want to look in a tiny mirror when with the push of a button you could
look backwards? Mirrors are too damn small. Again, options!!!!!! Fine add options
for side mirrors too. But looking back for a split second is way better than any
mirror can do.

Well, thats good to hear. :)


Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Larr » Tue, 01 Dec 1998 04:00:00

Wait till you get to Pro class :)


> You are in the minority if you think the sense of speed is real in VR. Try
> that new 'race.bin' file in the demo. You'll see how nice it is to adjust
> the FOV.


Viper Racing... Attempt at a review. (long)

by Larr » Tue, 01 Dec 1998 04:00:00

> Why would you want to look in a tiny mirror when with the push of a button
> you could look backwards? Mirrors are too damn small. Again, options!!!!!!
> Fine add options for side mirrors too. But looking back for a split second
> is way better than any mirror can do. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.