I am far from naive, my friend. I've been around way too long and seen far
too much for any naivety to be still clinging to me.
> All I'm saying is if you think Dave Noonan is surprised, or shocked that
> converter is being distributed, then you must be very naive indeed (or
> The internet (whether intentional or not) is the perfect device for
> 'sharing' things, not for making money, which many e-companies are slowly
> realizing. Everytime someone invents something, someone cracks it and
> distributes the crack very shortly after. So you can stick with some
> people's philosophy of trying to keep the honest people honest, by making
> difficult to use pirated software (lots of complicated cracks, passwords,
> etc.) or you can take macromedia's approach that even people using pirate
> versions are better than using a competitor's product (they learn to use
> product, then eventually buy it for business purposes), or I guess you can
> just give up, and hand it out for free. If dave was that concerned about
> I'm sure he would have included some sort of password protection, or
> something...
> And regarding the commercialism of the 2000's.... we have yet to see if it
> will work on the internet.. I say, it will work, but not to the extent of
> the corporations dreams...
> scooter
> > "Free exchange".....on something that the creator asked Fif*** Pounds
> for?
> > On an internet that, in 2000, bears little, if any, resemblance to that
> > which existed when it was created?
> > May I suggest that, in regard to the Internet at least, you bring
> > very quickly into the commercialsim of the two-thousands?
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Bruce Kennewell,
> > Canberra, Australia.
> > ---------------------------
> > > wouldn't you have had to download it to find that out?
> > > I mean really, anyone smart enough to program _anything_ is also smart
> > > enough to know that his/her work is going to be pirated. It's the
> > > exchange that made the internet so great. No one said it was good for
> > > making money, just for the free exchange of ideas.
> > > I'm neither praising nor condoning, just stating facts...
> > > scooter
> > > > > ***
> > > > Well- only 1/2 a *** -- Looks like Bill posted the files but
> to
> > > > include the password to unRAR them.
> > > > So what he posted was totally useless. Maybe Bill was just "teasing"
> > us?..
> > > > or maybe really is just a TOTAL idiot! LoL
> > > > R. Hashana