For those that love warez Dave's GPL Converter full not Demo you can find it here

Bruce Kennewel

For those that love warez Dave's GPL Converter full not Demo you can find it here

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 24 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Do a search....if you know what _that_ word means.

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> >You're a bigger drongo than the one who posted the files.

> Pardon me but I don't know what a drongo is.

> It's a pity someone sends me flattery and I don't understand, so
> Bruce, would you be kind enough to explain.

> Best regards,

> --
> Poopy Face the Turd

> "Suck & *** & cook & clean,
>  baby you know what I mean!"

Bruce Kennewel

For those that love warez Dave's GPL Converter full not Demo you can find it here

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 24 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I am far from naive, my friend.  I've been around way too long and seen far
too much for any naivety to be still clinging to me.

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> All I'm saying is if you think Dave Noonan is surprised, or shocked that
> converter is being distributed, then you must be very naive indeed (or
> The internet (whether intentional or not) is the perfect device for
> 'sharing' things, not for making money, which many e-companies are slowly
> realizing.  Everytime someone invents something, someone cracks it and
> distributes the crack very shortly after.  So you can stick with some
> people's philosophy of trying to keep the honest people honest, by making
> difficult to use pirated software (lots of complicated cracks, passwords,
> etc.) or you can take macromedia's approach that even people using pirate
> versions are better than using a competitor's product (they learn to use
> product, then eventually buy it for business purposes), or I guess you can
> just give up, and hand it out for free.  If dave was that concerned about
> I'm sure he would have included some sort of password protection, or
> something...

> And regarding the commercialism of the 2000's.... we have yet to see if it
> will work on the internet.. I say, it will work, but not to the extent of
> the corporations dreams...

> scooter

> > "Free exchange".....on something that the creator asked Fif*** Pounds
> for?
> > On an internet that, in 2000, bears little, if any, resemblance to that
> > which existed when it was created?

> > May I suggest that, in regard to the Internet at least, you bring
> > very quickly into the commercialsim of the two-thousands?
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Bruce Kennewell,
> > Canberra, Australia.
> > ---------------------------

> > > wouldn't you have had to download it to find that out?

> > > I mean really, anyone smart enough to program _anything_ is also smart
> > > enough to know that his/her work is going to be pirated.  It's the
> > > exchange that made the internet so great.  No one said it was good for
> > > making money, just for the free exchange of ideas.
> > > I'm neither praising nor condoning, just stating facts...

> > > scooter

> > > > > ***

> > > > Well- only 1/2 a *** -- Looks like Bill posted the files but
> to
> > > > include the password to unRAR them.
> > > > So what he posted was totally useless. Maybe Bill was just "teasing"
> > us?..
> > > > or maybe really is just a TOTAL idiot! LoL

> > > > R. Hashana

Bruce Kennewel

For those that love warez Dave's GPL Converter full not Demo you can find it here

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 24 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Well, Matt, it's _really_ a type of bird (African, I believe)  but is also
an old Aussie term that would be generally translated in modern parlance as
"a complete and utter ***er with few, if any, redeeming characterstics".

Perhaps this link is a good example.........

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> > You're a bigger drongo than the one who posted the files.

> What's a "drongo" Bruce? Sureley it can't be worse than "poopyface?"

> :-D

> I need an aussie dictionary with you and the lot pestering VROC and the
> newsgroups all the time!

> <g>

> Matt

Bruce Kennewel

For those that love warez Dave's GPL Converter full not Demo you can find it here

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 24 Apr 2000 04:00:00

There is a way to help reduce (note that I don't say "stop") this type of
behaviour by anyone in a similar situation as Dave: orders are accepted ONLY
from those who have a traceable e-mail address...not a free, web-based

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> Who DIDN'T see this coming with the F1 2000 warez ***, though?

> --
> Ken's Sig 3.01

> "Who is the more foolish?  The fool, or the fool who follows him?"
>  - Obi-Wan Kenobi

> volksy(at)yahoo(dot)com

> Go #43 and #44!

> > You're a bigger drongo than the one who posted the files.

> > --
> > Regards,
> > Bruce Kennewell,
> > Canberra, Australia.
> > ---------------------------

> > > >Well- only 1/2 a *** -- Looks like Bill posted the files but forgot
> to
> > > >include the password to unRAR them.
> > > >So what he posted was totally useless. Maybe Bill was just "teasing"
> > us?..
> > > >or maybe really is just a TOTAL idiot! LoL

> > > Here's a very good RAR password cracker :

- Show quoted text -

> > order%2Fcrackpwd%2Fcrark20.rar

> > > --
> > > Poopy Face the Turd

> > > "Suck & *** & cook & clean,
> > >  baby you know what I mean!" is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.