I'm having the same problem..
I'm having the same problem..
Try removing glide2x.dll (ver 2.4) and fxmemmap.vxd from the f1
directory. Apparantly the glide 2.4 version relies on using shared
code with the 3dfx d3d reference drivers version 2.1. I think the M3D
still uses glide 2.3x and d3d 1.1.
If that doesn't work try upgrading to the glide 2.4 and d3d 1.2 ref
I have an Orchid R3D with the above drivers and the game is working
perfectly for me. 233 MMX and no slowdowns at all. Never below 30fps!
/Thomas Sundvall
On Thu, 04 Sep 1997 07:18:51 -0700, Darryl Woodley
>I get the error message "Expected VXD version v1.2, got v1.1" when I try
>and run the game.
>I have the updated drivers for my Diamond Monster 3dfx card and the
>updated drivers for my Intergraph Reactor cards already installed.
>Any help would be appreciated. Thanks