The rars-digest is a compilation of choice cuts from the RARS mailing list.
It's published once a week to individual subscribers. Send mail to
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Next Weeks Race Announcement
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralphs RARS Road Races This announcement refers to the Robot Auto Racing Simulation (RARS). The next RARS races will be held in the computer of Ralph Scott on Entries must be received by 1:00 PM, EST, the day of the race. If the Any robots that cause run-time problems with any part of the For this racing session, there will be two tracks and two classes Race points will be awarded as follows for each race: 1st - 10 2nd - 6 3rd - 4 4th - 3 5th - 2 6th - 1 Points earned from the races will be accumulated to obtain a total Winning places will be based on the point total for the 2 races. RULES CHANGES Stocker Division Points will be added up SEPERATELY from Unlimited SUBMISSIONS ARE ON A PER RACE BASIS ONLY. In this manner, it will be RACING SCHEDULE (all races track surface 1) TENTATIVE RACING SCHEDULE (all races track surface 1) The rars-digest is compiled and published by (Dave `Gizmo' Gymer)
Date sent: Thu, 02 Nov 95 21:00:13 +0000
Subject: Next Weeks Race Announcement
November 12, 1995. Entries will be received by e-mail, directed to
functions. They may be in source code, either ANSI C or C++ to be
compiled with Borland C/C++ for OS/2. They should run with version 0.63
of the RARS software available at
net is slow, too bad, so send them as early as possible. (I should warn
you that my internet provider is down often.) It is better if I receive
them a week early, in case there are any problems with compilation,
linking, or execution. (I will inform you A.S.A.P.)
software, including the other robots, will be disqualified. Ralph's
judgement will be final here.
of authors. The two tracks are mosport.trk and suzuka.trk. The two
classes are expert and novice and will be decided before the day of the
points figure for the day. The points of the day will be used
to determine seasons points. Seasons points will be accumulated
If there are six*** or less entries, then all will compete in these
races. If there are more than six*** then speed heats will be
run to arrive at six*** finalists, with the fastest racers entering into
the final race.
Advancement from novice to expert now must take two wins in the novice
division before advancement. If there are 4 or more novices, then
being in 2nd place counts as a win. 8 or more novices then 3rd place
also counts as a win.
Division Points. These are two entirely different divisions. Being
expert in one division does not make you an expert in the other
(although, the starting experts are considered to be expert in both.)
obvious as to who is still keeping track of RARS and is still competing.
November 12th, Suzuka and Mosport Stocker Division Races, 40 laps
November 26th, Two "Surprise" Tracks Unlimited, 80 Laps
December 10th, Suzuka and Mosport Unlimited Races, 80 laps
December 24th, Fiorano and Adelaide Stocker Division Races, 40 laps
January 7th, Fiorano and Adelaide Unlimited Division Races, 80 laps
/* Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately
explained by stupidity. */