Oh, here are a few more from my personal collection of Zoner quotes:
How old IS this kid, anyway? With a vocabulary like this, I'd say
Zoner thinks demons exist, and here's his irrefutable scientific proof:
Here's a shocker: What Zoner posts doesn't always MAKE SENSE! *Gasp!*
Sound's like fun, Zoner.
Just realizing that Zoner of all people wrote that line makes me laugh.
Why does Zoner continue to bleat here in alt.atheism (a group to which he
doesn't belong)? Here's his lame excuse:
But I think it would be more correctly phrased: "I want attention from
anyone who will give it to me, because my life is extremely empty and I have
nothing better to do."
Grow a spine, Zoner! So you realized that you were wrong on your own. Can't
you admit that? No! You have to say that someone ELSE told you you were
wrong. Why?
Forget the Pope. Zoner knows all.
And how, exacly, does Zoner know that God wasn't created? Well:
I don't know... This one sounds like voluntary slavery to me:
In answer to the question, "If God created man in his own image, how come all
humans are different?" Zoner fantasized:
Zoner asks many questions, but you get the feeling that even though the
answers are all readily available at his local library, he doesn't want his
questions answered.
Doh! Read a textbook!
My personal favorite exchange follows (Remember, Zoner's real name is Todd):
Please, someone, get this boy a clue!
Again, do you really think that Zoner even WANTS answers to his questions?
Well, at least little Todd has high self-esteem:
Is Zoner trying to pump himself up or put everyone else down to make up for
his own personal shortcomings?
Do you feel bigger now, Zoner?
Uh-oh! I hope this isn't condoning (Gasp!) ***ity:
Zoner needs counselling. He seems to make up his own little fantasies and
then believe them as fact:
Translation: "I can plagiarize religious pamphlets all I want and no one
will ever catch on! Hee Hee!"
That's enough trashing Zoner with his own words for now. I'm bored already.
See you next week, Todd.