reminded of just how good the sound was. EA does this really well
with most of their games, don't they? Their sports games really give
you that "you are there" feeling. As for NFS-SE, I have to admit I
never really heard all the sounds well before because I was hearing
it through the tinny little speakers in my notebook. Now I
appreciate the different gear sounds (like the metallic clink of the
Ferarri gate vs. the solid, Teutonic *clunk* of the Porsche box).
The engines are also beautiful and distinctive. It's nice to
recognize the sound of the fan in the Porsche, and the nice feral
shriek of the Ferarri, but what is the best.. *the best*... is the
sound on the overrun and downshifts. EA nailed this one, didn't
they? The Supra sounds beautiful as it burbles through what sounds
like a big, fat HKS exhaust. Big grins. I know this is old news for
So, did they get it right in NFS3? I played the playstation version,
and the cars sounded generic and bland. Like big Hoover vacuums.
p.s. anyone else notice how too much time spent playing F1 sims
"tunes" your ears to a whole different frequency range, so you mess
up all your downshifts in a road car sim? The rev frequency "tells"
you to downshift at about 10,000 in the F1 sims. It's a good thing
NFS-SE doesn't let you blow engines.