I am no programmer wiz, but I have used Wordpad and MS Word in Office
97 to alter my calender. The file is a text file, you don't need to
convert it, just make sure you save it as text format with no file
extentsion name.
BTW, I have seen a '98 calender on some of the N2 sites, but you will
have to have all the tracks ( and named the same ) for it work.
If you want, you can email your Calender file, tell me what changes
you want and I send it back. It will only take a few seconds to edit.
BTW, There seems to be a track limit of 30 Tracks ( not races ) in
N2. :(
>I need help!!!! I have been trying and trying to build a 1998 Calander for
> Nascar Racing 2. I have tried several calander edit programs,
> (Callman32),(Changing the calander file to a Text file) etc.
>but nothin works. I need a Proven Win. 95 Calander editor With INSTRUCTIONS.
> I need to get started practicing at Daytona. Please let me know.
>In reference to the editing of the calander, I am able to edit the calander,
> and save it, but when I got to the Nascar 2, Quick Race screen, There are NO
> tracks listed on the left hand side.
># 55 Queensryche Racing.
Go Roush Racing, #6 #16 #99
(Chevrolet, the Heartburn of America )
WARNING, the Surgeon General has determined that
being an Earnhardt fan can be hazardous to your
sense of humor. :)
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