You will definitely gain with nascar2, and other sierra products, but not
necessarily win95 games.
>I want to thank everyone who helped out getting this StealthII 220
>working. I finally got it running and it runs like a dream, sort of.
>First, when i go into windows and have the stealth card in, it seems to
>be interfering with my LPT1. Windows shows no conflicts but it acts
>like its either cut all communication with the printer (as if i
>unplugged it) or its sending gibberish continuously. Ive got a HP5L and
>the bottom light is lit showing something in the buffer. Anyways, this
>never happens without the StealthII.
>Second, Ive got the opportunity to save myself $60 and get a Sierra
>Screaming 3D v1000 rendition. Ive got a 486x100 w/ 32M ram. Will i
>lose performance with the Screaming 3D b/c its v1000 or gain because
>it's less CPU taxing?
>Again, Thank you for all your help, I really enjoy this group (even with
>the 30 GPL threads going on that I can't input on cause my computer
>sucks. :)