OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

Dave Henri

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Dave Henri » Wed, 24 Nov 2004 13:53:06

   Last night I had a very regretable evening.  A friend of my son came
down from Alaska for a vacation.  Unfortunately for me, Sunday was his
last full day here, he was driving back sometime Monday morning.  So
about 5pm my son shows up with his friend and wants to know if I can
clean out his laptop for was full of virus and spy programs.  
  Well like a dork, I agreed.  I have a cd with copies of Spybot and
Adaware and AVG burned into it just for such occassions.  I ran Spybot
without any updates just to get a feel for the system.  Then I did the
same with Adaware...ooooh man...did that open up the devil's toolbox.
  The un-updated new version of Adaware(v1.05) has a problem with one
paticular toolbar/spyprogram.  BlazeFind is a tricky little program in-
that it changes the name of a file inside the windowsXP registry.  So
when Adaware removes the BlazeFind trojan...the improperly named file
gets left behind.  Ok here comes the *** part.
  Adaware automatically creates a restore point when you get ready to
exit and restart your system.  Then XP,I'm told, does the same as you
reboot.  Ok, Adaware restarts your system and it comes to a stop at the
logon screen.  You can't won't say why, the Desktop flashes
onscreen for just a brief instant as XP tries to log your user on.  But
it can't because of the supposedly missing file that BlazeFind altered.  
No problem, I thought, I'll just use those dos boot options that XP has
and restore the last good save.  As we now know, the last retore INCLUDES
the altered registry entry so even restoring won't help.  Alright, I
think..SAFE MODE will save the day...wrong again..I can't logon in safe
mode either.
  I then spent a goodly chunk of time tracking down the problem with
several long Google sessions.  I found this problem attacked Adaware last
summer and caught them by suprise.  They have fixed later versions of
thier spybot updates to avoid this mess, but they had little info on how
to UNDO something that had already been messed up.  Several users found a
solution, using the XP recovery Console..(more research to findout what
that was).  I tracked down my son's college version of the XP install
disk and followed instructions to get to the recovery console.  EVERYONE
agreed this is the simple part.  Well...XP wanted an admin password.  The
Laptop owner said...
"A WHAT?"  He had bought the laptop with XP installed and had no clue
about any passwords.
  So more internet sluething..ahah!  linux programs that erase admin and
all other passwords from XP...<dloading, burning, trying trying trying>
those didn't work either.  
  I even tried hooking the laptop up to my LAN and entering his system
via my son's XP.  <PASSWORD YOU NIMROD>
  Finally in desperation I went to his own SONY VAIO recovery disks..but
these had one HUGE drawback.  The Sony recovery disks don't just re-
install windows...they ERASE the BOOT drive,  AND THEN re-install to the
original Storebought state.     I called him and informed the Laptop
owner of his options.  Go home with a broken computer or let me wipe out
the boot drive and redo everything..(everything that is except his
updates, his user-installed programs, his ISP stuff.)  So he said go for
it.  He had left after about an hour for a farewell dinner with my Son's
family.  So I began the long process of re-installing XP...that CDROM/DVD
drive sure was slow.  After about an hour the process was completed...or
so I thought..Next I had to grab his APPLICATION recovery disks and
install those(the stuff included when the laptop was sitting on the Store
another hour crawls by.  
I finally get into XP and get updates for Spybot and Adaware and AVG.  
Those are progressing when the owner calls back and says he has TONS and
TONS of digital photos scattered all over the computer.  
  KEE-HRIST!  I said.  "Why didn't you tell me that before?"  So now I've
spent  close to 6 hours detoxifying his Laptop and all I managed to do
was destroy about a third of several year's worth of Alaska photos..At
least he had saved the bulk of them on his D drive.
  If this had been Win98, I could have have at the very worst, just re-
installed Windows and not lost any other data on the boot drive.  GAWD
what a pathetic recovery system Sony and Microsoft cobbled together.  
  Now I fully know I was at a disadvantage due to his lack of password
knowledge, and his general poor internet habits that messed up his system
in the first place(nearly 500 spyprogram listings the first time thru and  
4 or 5 trojans)  But DANGIT!!  Adaware should, by now, have had a nifty
little boot disk to fix this<they didn't>.  Windows should have had
SOMEWAY to logon after a file was corrupted.  And this Bozo should have
had burned CD's of his photos a long long long time ago AND known about
his freekin passwords.  Sony's website was no help...If I wanted to talk
to a human, I had to use a credit card and pay 20Bucks in advance.  
Thanks alot...
  I've noticed over and over again..that the XP systems I've seen just
seem to run slower(even on beefier systems than mine)...the Windows don't
SNAP OPEN like my win98se windows do..(I'll bet there is a tweek for
that..but I haven't seen it yet--there always seems to be Harddisk access
before anything happens) The easy LAN connection was neat, but it did me
ZERO good since I couldn't get access to the laptop remotely.  
   This is a overly long and wordy whine and I appolgize for taking so
much time...But this event has convinced me even more, that until 98 is
dead and buried by MS,  I'm sticking with it...
dave henrie
Pee-oh'd...or why no good deed goes unpunished.
Steve Simpso

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Steve Simpso » Wed, 24 Nov 2004 16:55:43

Like most things, XP is only as good as the person who sets it up.  XP on
all of my current PCs is snappier than anything you could possibly imagine.
A clean install is usually pretty slick aside from the windows & menus
animations/fading - that's one of the first things I turn off.  I also
usually give System Restore the boot too and stick with my trusty copy of
Norton Ghost instead.  My XP install also boots twice as fast as any Win98
installation mainly thanks to a little known MS utility called 'Bootvis'
which lays out all of the files loaded during startup in sequential order on
the hard disk for maximum performance.  It also optimizes drivers so that
some of them initialise at the same time as others preventing any holdups.
Fantastic prog.

Naturally, if you install a bunch of rogue software over time (like most
newbies do) XP will start to do strange things or even fall over completely
but this is also true of Win98 and even Linux.  Having a ghost backup lets
you try some very daring things to find out what works and what doesn't.
After a while you get a very clear picture of what sort of stuff to avoid.    <---  A must read for any half
serious PC user.

Ruud Dingeman

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Ruud Dingeman » Wed, 24 Nov 2004 17:22:53

(Long story quoted in full to illustrate average M$ problem)

What you needed wasn't Blazefind Dave, you needed BLAZEMONGER (TM) (C)
(look it up in the old Usenet archives  ;)


I know I shouldn't do this, but please gimme some leeway, being the
underprivileged, much-neglected Mac minority here...

Just a giggle, ok?



<Grins, ducks & runs>

(Sorry, really REALLY couldn't resist  ;)    <G>

Regards, Rudy
GPLRank: -24

PS. On my Repentium (GPL-only, OK, my real work I still do on a decent
machine!  ;) I'm still at 98se as well. Among other things, XP wouldn't
support my Microsoft (!) Sidewinder wheel properly.... Says it all I guess.


OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Pete » Wed, 24 Nov 2004 21:49:54

<Xp problem snipped for brevity>

Dave, did you try,

This little program creates a floppy boot disk that allows you to get in
and change passwords for XP.  I've also got instructions in a text file
if you are interested for the future because it takes a small bit of
understanding before you do it correctly.

Also, I have a this program, but I haven't tried it yet, but it may be
useful in the future.

RockXP allows you to retrieve your XP product key that you used when you
installed Windows XP, as well as keys for other Microsoft products. This
can come very handy if you need to reinstall but have misplaced or lost
the CD cover with the serial sticker. In addition, the program also lets
you save the product activation to a file, and enables you to recover
usernames and passwords contained in the Windows Secure Storage.

I could send all this to you if you're interested, though I would
imagine a bit of Googling should locate them.  :)
Pete Ives
Remove All_stRESS before sending me an email

Dave Henri

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Dave Henri » Thu, 25 Nov 2004 02:07:33

    I didn't use Peter Nordhalls util, but the one listed at the same site,
EBDCD.  That least it functioned...but did not get me into XP.

Uwe Sch??rkam

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Uwe Sch??rkam » Wed, 24 Nov 2004 18:24:59

> but this is also true of Win98 and even Linux.  Having a ghost backup lets
> you try some very daring things to find out what works and what doesn't.
> After a while you get a very clear picture of what sort of stuff to avoid.

Another option might be dual-booting linux and dumping your boot drive
to an image on the Linux side (ideally on a separate HD) from time to
time. They compress nicely and you can keep as many "working
revisions" as you like. It's a bit more hassle to set up initially,
but you'll have the best of both "OS worlds": windows for ***,
linux for productivity.

BTW and maybe on-topic, my son's getting on my **** at the moment
because the upcoming "Lord of the Rings" strategy game only supports
XP. Can sombody confirm or deny this? He's still on 98se, and I'd like
to keep him there for as long as possible.

All the best,


mail replies to Uwe at schuerkamp dot de ( yahoo address is spambox)
Uwe Schuerkamp ////////////////////////////
Herford, Germany \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (52.0N/8.5E)
GPG Fingerprint:  2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F  67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61

Dave Henri

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Dave Henri » Thu, 25 Nov 2004 02:51:53

  Buy him the Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King Extended Edition
movie DVD.  It will be years before that is finished viewing and win98 will
be but a memory.   (guess what I'm doing next month?)

dave henrie


OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by ZZ » Thu, 25 Nov 2004 03:22:52

BTW and maybe on-topic, my son's getting on my **** at the moment
because the upcoming "Lord of the Rings" strategy game only supports
XP. Can sombody confirm or deny this? He's still on 98se, and I'd like
to keep him there for as long as possible.

All the best,



This page says, XP and 2000 only.

Good luck mate,

Richard "ZZ" Busch

Screamers Racing League
MARA TransAm
GPL Rank + 14.768
MoGPL Rank + 308.654
N2003 Rank -18.8060
Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward


OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by REDLINE42 » Thu, 25 Nov 2004 04:28:45

Hi Dave, 5-6pm Sunday night? Bad move here Dave, why didn't
he ask you this when he arrived? You should know better Dave.

'Cause your a nice guy Dave and allways willing to help out. :))

And that'll git ya in trouble.

Hmmm.... Let me guess, WinXP Home, Fat32 and all users with
Admin privileges?

I just got done with removing some insidious spyware (only about 1/2
dozen toolbars) that I picked up when I was checking for old
dead bookmarks (***) :) that gave me the corrupt user logon after
a couple of dialog boxes poped up saying my profile was corrupt.
Part of the spyware program trying to reload I believe, but I was still
able to log on (WinXP Pro Power User ) but the account was at the
default users settings. This was also after serveral runs of SpyBot 1.3.
Ad-Aware 1.05 & Webroot SpySweeper.
All Updated before sweeps.
You should see what these programs didn't find and left behind.

After manually cleaning out the Admin Temp folder for all the spyware
installers and going through the sweeper programs log files & manually
cleaning the registry for entries missed, I am back to normal working
conditions with this (coming up on an anniversary) 2 year old install of
Windows XP Pro. 'Jist lost 'bout 4-5hrs. of my Sunday afternoon.

These Sum's of ***'s writing spyware just keep gitt'in cleverer.
And this is was with a SpyBot inmune system, or so I thought.

I've done this before quite a few times in the past couple of years and
this *WinXP* system still keeps ticking. Never a BSOD.

I think that there is a switch that let's you chose which registry backup to use.

It is always handy to have several login accounts.
I have five, 2 system Admins., 2 users privilege, & 1 power user accounts.
heh and to know all the passwords...

LOL again WinXP Home Fat32 all admin privileges.
The fun way to surf the net. Am I right?

Try a data recovery program like Easy Recover Pro, and use a search for a
formated disk. You'll be suprised at what you find and can recover.
As long as you haven't done a DOD or Gusman wipe, the files *may* still be there.

Not pathetic, you just don't wanna play by the rules.

Sounds like he was in need of a reformat anyways.
Hell if I found that much stuff I'd do a DOD wipe and probably pull the
DIMM out to make sure none of that sneeky shite is still hiding in memory.
Paranoid ain't I?

There are bootable utility CD's that can do this.
Michael K.H. Au-Yeung Super WinPE Plus 2004 Multi-Bootable
All-N-One CD is just one that I have.
But the password delete/recover is a little above my talents yet.

Everybody should start to learn computers on old Macintosh's,
that'll teach them to backup their files hourly. he he he...

Ah yer a nice guy Dave, you'll learn someday.  :-o

Marc Collin

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Marc Collin » Thu, 25 Nov 2004 05:39:15

Most laptops come (and have for many years) with that pathetic
all-or-nothing recovery disc procedure--nothing to do with XP.


Dave Henri

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Dave Henri » Thu, 25 Nov 2004 06:08:08

  I have heard of these 'recovery' disks for years.  If I ever go the
Laptop route, I'll pony up extra to make sure I get the full windows disks.
I'm too much of a futz up to depend on half the product.

dave henrie

Steve Simpso

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Steve Simpso » Thu, 25 Nov 2004 06:36:13

Are there any good Linux GUIs, Uwe?  I use Suse 9.1 on my second PC (mainly
a web/file server) but KDE/Gnome etc seem very sluggish and bloated to me.
What's a nice compact and fast distro?

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Pete » Thu, 25 Nov 2004 09:24:12

> > Most laptops come (and have for many years) with that pathetic
> > all-or-nothing recovery disc procedure--nothing to do with XP.

> > Marc

>   I have heard of these 'recovery' disks for years.  If I ever go the
> Laptop route, I'll pony up extra to make sure I get the full windows disks.
> I'm too much of a futz up to depend on half the product.

> dave henrie

And some companies even charge you extra if you want the 'recovery'
disks.  <SARCASM>Nice ain't they</SARCASM>

Btw Dave, the original program I told you about does allow you to change
the passwords from a boot disk.  I know, I've had to do it. 8-)
Pete Ives
Remove All_stRESS before sending me an email

Jan Verschuere

OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by Jan Verschuere » Thu, 25 Nov 2004 10:21:50

Jeez... that would have come in handy a couple weeks back. A guy from
Tektronix head office came in and showed us some stuff.

I wanted to copy a couple 100MB of reference material, but found USB keys
didn't work on his Win2000 install (that should have clued me the IT staff
at Tek headoffice were completely paranoid, but it didn't).

So I chucked all of his network settings (after taking carefull note of
everything) and configured his laptop to log onto ours. No dice... turns out
his IT guys had set it up so it would only work with "their" settings...
i.e. I had effectively shut this guy out of his laptop. Completely weird
turn of events as he was able to work stand-alone before I changed his
network settings and, eventhough I had changed his domain settings to ours,
it kept saying their domain server was not available to validate his login
(eh... like it wasn't when his laptop wasn't connected to their network

I could have used some forced entry there!

PS.: this "no domain server" error cropped up when booting to safe mode
without network support... go figure!


OT: Why I still use Win98se <long and Whiney>

by REDLINE42 » Thu, 25 Nov 2004 11:52:35

 > And some companies even charge you extra if you want the 'recovery'

That's because all the installation files are on a hidden partition nowadays.

HP use to have a program that would create recovery disk's from these files in the hidden partition.

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