> > Hi,
> > I was just wondering why people are all of a sudden posting the
> > indy track? Isn't this illegial or is the promission form Sierra to
> > do this?
> > Just curious,
> > John
> > -- Winners never quit, quiters never win
> Well, what else are you supposed to do, buy it? Seeing how they don't
> make it any more, and don't sell it anymore, how exactly is Sierra
> losing money? If it were still available for purchase, I'd agree
> completely. But it's not, and I don't.
> --
> "You can always get more out of people with
> a kind word and a 2x4 than just a kind word"
guys had huge balls to post the
file! More power to him, Their probably pickin' 'im up right now! -DG