2. I like the way the cars drive and slide around corners. Much more fun
than in Midtown Madness.
3. Driver has more atmosphere (on the building textures and the dirty
looking car textures). MM is too clean and cute and grey and repetitive.
4. Driver has way too many little walls alongside too many roads: you can't
drive anywhere you'd like too. Very annoying. And unnecassary, in my
5. Getting from one end of the city to another is a big bore: too many long
straights with very boring scenery (the sea...). Due to this, you get to the
borders of the 'playing field' far too soon when you try to evade the police
in a certain part of the city, which are too small. Unlike MM, where you can
drive like a madman without crossing the same street for a long, long time.
The full version will have 4 cities, but when they are all divided into
little parts like in this demo, MM will still seem much bigger.
6. The borders of the 'playing field' are UGLY. I haven't seen such UGLY
cardboard tree-walls in a long long time. And they are WAY too obvious. In
MM I can't remember borders like these. Somehow they are very natural: only
the waterside and the side of the highway keep you from driving further. In
Driver you got LOTS of places where you think you should be able to drive
on, but you can't. And again, they are way too visible...
7. Other (non-police) cars don't react to what you do. Not like in MM,
8. The sunglare is nice at first: you don't get some circles on your screen,
but the whole screen is 'whitened' by the light. It looks like an
over-exposured movie (and this game is all about participating in a movie!).
Great. But this effect should fade away after a few seconds, as it would in
the movies. Driving down a long straight road with only a over-exposured,
completely white road ahead of you gets boring mighty quick.
this is an unoficial beta version. So what am I talking about :-) What still
should make this game worth buying are the different types of missions
you'll get. When you're driving like hell to fullfill an exciting mission,
you'll forget a lot of the negative points above. But not all, I'm afraid...