Has anyone else noticed some graphics glitches using a Verite 1000
based video board?
With the factory BIOS level (58?), when using Microsoft's MSD, the
column of boxes on the right would have some graphics glitches. Last
night, I upgraded the flash BIOS level on my Intergraph Reactor board
to the current level (74), and now, the glitches have moved to the
column on the left. Is this Intergraph only, or all Verite 1000
I see these glitches in other places too, like in Nascar2 in the
multi-player chat. Sometimes the car numbers flicker between yellow
and white. I cannot tell if that is an Intergraph glitch or a Nascar2
Is there a list of these glitches and which revision level of the BIOS
fixes them? When I called Intergraph concerning problem I found, they
refused to listen to the problem until I upgraded to the latest BIOS
(74). At one time, I had heard that we were not to upgrade to the
latest level of the BIOS unless we were having specific problems that
the new BIOS was known to fix? Something like, "It is not all good",
i.e. it might fix some things and break other things? But if you have
to change to the new bios before they will document a new problem,
then you have no choice except to risk the new bugs? In my case, the
new BIOS did not fix the problem and they opened up TR289700041 for
the case where some DOS programs, in my case CONNECT.EXE, have VERY
slow, like 100 times slower than normal, video performance. I think
there is a similar situation for some versions of the ProCom
communications package?
Any other known software incompatibilities with the Verite 1000 chip?
Best Wishes!!!
Robert Huggins
Raleigh, NC